Page 23 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 23                                                             DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION

        Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Announces

        Participants for First DEI Executive Roundtable Program

              he Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC)    Dr. Tonya Bailey, founder of TCB Consulting, Inc., and chief
              has announced the 15 participants in its first Diversity,   diversity officer at Lansing Community College, will serve
        TEquity and Inclusion (DEI) Executive Roundtable.       as the facilitator of the DEI Executive Roundtable.

        The program will provide CEOs, senior business leaders   LRCC members were invited to send letters indicating
        and small business owners a confidential space to       their interest in the program. The first DEI Executive
        share advice and learn best practices, equity tools     Roundtable will take place on March 31. l
        and approaches to strengthening DEI within their
        organizations. This program has been designed to equip
        business leaders with the skills required to successfully
        navigate areas of uncertainty and have transformational     SELECTED PARTICIPANTS
        success through a DEI lens.
        “Executive roles continue to evolve in an increasingly
        volatile environment, where business models continually     Mallory DePrekel,        Wendy Hamilton,
        change across industries,” said Tim Daman, president        Communities In Schools of   TechSmith
        & CEO, LRCC. “This program has been designed to             Michigan                 Laurie Van Egeren,
        equip business leaders with the skill sets required to      Cindy Kangas, Capital    Michigan State University
        successfully navigate these areas of uncertainty and        Area Manufacturing       Kelli Ellsworth Etchison,
        position executives to have transformational success        Council                  LAFCU
        through a DEI lens.”                                        Brian Philson,           Smiljana Williams,
                                                                    Highfields, Inc.         Lansing Board of Water &
        The DEI Executive Roundtable is a 12-month program          Susan Gisholt, Delta     Light
        designed to prepare leaders to implement social change      Dental of Michigan       Silvia Dimma, MSU
        within their organizations, enhance their role as inclusive   Feliz Rodriguez,       Federal Credit Union
        leaders, and provide substantial business growth and        Community Mental         Lolo Robison, Capital Area
        success tools. Some of the DEI Executive Roundtable         Health - CEI             Transportation Authority
        leadership training series of topics include core DEI and   Julie Pingston, Greater   Teresa Znidarsic,
        cultural concepts, addressing inequalities and shaping      Lansing Convention &     Sparrow Health System
        business practices, building an effective business equity   Visitors Bureau          Tim Daman,
        framework, implementing a people-first DEI strategy and     Bruce Scott, Unique      Lansing Regional Chamber
        framework, and recruitment, retention and rethinking DEI    Movers and Solutions LLC  of Commerce
        in the workforce.

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