Page 18 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 18
follow the core EV and battery investments nothing we can’t compete with from around
to build the future of mobility." the world.”
The Michigan Economic Development LEAP spearheaded an intense series of
Corporation (MEDC) also authorized a State meetings involving Mayor Schor, Delta
Education Tax abatement with the locally Township Supervisor Ken Fletcher and
approved Orion Township abatement in Lansing Board of Water and Light General
support of the GM expansion. Manager Richard Peffley. The group met
every four days during November and
“This project will create new opportunities December and negotiated a GM package.
for businesses of all sizes across the state Messer
to ensure that Michigan retains its strong “The collaboration was vital. It really took a team
supplier network and provide a platform effort to pull this off,” said Delta Township
for further investment throughout Supervisor Ken Fletcher. “We got together,
Michigan. GM's decision underscores the figured out what needed to be done and
strength of the workforce within made it happen. It was a real
our state's automotive sector pleasure to work with Mayor
and the bipartisan Team Schor, LEAP, MEDC and the
Michigan commitment THE GM other stakeholders.”
to winning the future
of mobility and EV BATTERY PLANT Trezise said he was
manufacturing IS THE SINGLE concerned about
here in Michigan," whether ordinarily Horn
said Quentin LARGEST ECONOMIC fractious state
Messer Jr., CEO DEVELOPMENT PROJECT government would
of MEDC CEO be able to come
and president IN THE HISTORY OF together and agree
and chair of upon a package of
the Michigan THE GREATER LANSING incentives needed
Strategic Fund. We REGION THREE to complete the
appreciate GM's deal, something that
continued vote of TIMES OVER. eventually did happen.
confidence in Michigan
and their partnership on “I honestly didn’t know if Hertel
this historic economic win for state government had it in it
our friends and neighbors and are anymore to come together, and
encouraged by the economic opportunity yet they did,” said Trezise. “Look what they
impact it will have across our state for can accomplish when they come together,
decades to come." a democratic governor and republican
controlled legislature. MEDC and its CEO
Locally, Lansing has unanimously approved a Quentin Messer played a very profound role.
Renewable Energy Renaissance Zone and PA The Governor was very hands-on and it all
198 agreement. Lansing and Delta Township came together.”
also unanimously passed an extended 425
revenue sharing agreement for the plant State lawmakers were also actively involved
for 25 years. The Lansing Board of Water in collaborative efforts to land the GM efforts. Hollister
and Light's Board of Commissioners also Members of the Lansing region’s Capitol
unanimously passed a special electric rate Caucus were instrumental in the adoption of a
for Ultium. Additionally, in order to construct bipartisan package of bills creating incentives
the new assembly plant, Delta Township and to land significant jobs and investment
the Lansing Board of Water and Light will projects, including those in EV/battery and
extensively and rapidly expand infrastructure semiconductor industries.
capacity in support of the site.
“It was an honor to work on this project and
“I think this is as strong a testament as you can to vote yes on it,” said Rep. Angela Witwer
have to the power of regional collaboration,” (D-Lansing), whose district includes Delta
said Trezise. “When we unify together there is Township where the new plant will be located. Reuss