Page 12 - LRCC October FOCUS 2023
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FOCUS ON TALENT                                                         FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  OCTOBER 2023

                           Lansing Region’s Top Young Professionals

                           Recognized at 10 Over the Next Ten Awards

              he 17th annual 10 Over the Next Ten Awards were                     Lisa Barna spent a decade working
              held on Tuesday, Sept. 19 at the University Club                    in economic and community
        Tof MSU in East Lansing. This event recognizes                            development before deciding to
        Greater Lansing’s top 10 young professionals who are                      take the plunge and open Black Dog
        expected to contribute significantly to our community                     Coffee in her hometown of Eaton
        over the next ten years. The 10 Over the Next Ten Awards                  Rapids. Black Dog has been one of
        were sponsored by Independent Bank. The University                        the most rewarding and challenging
        Club of MSU served as the event venue sponsor. The 10                     things she has ever done. She feels the
        Over the Next Ten Awars were co-hosted by the Lansing                     joy of running a profitable business
        Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) and Lansing         Barna             that has become a gathering place
        5:01. Michigan Premier Events served as the event                         and meeting the need of people in
        management partner.                                     the community. Every month, Black Dog introduces a
                                                                new, unique seasonal menu, which allows them to stay on
        The 2023 10 Over the Next Ten Award recipients include:   top of food and drink trends. She has plans for build-outs
                                                                and developments of their building for every year until
                          Paul Anderson’s professional          2029. Lisa and her husband Andrew have experienced the
                          journey showcases diverse roles       joy of hosting seven foreign exchange students in their
                          and significant accomplishments.      home. After hosting the exchange students and learning
                          Founding Stay Rooted Lansing, he      they could not have children of their own, the couple have
                          led its transition to a non-profit,   fostered 16 children. Lisa is very active in the community,
                          promoting community development       including supporting the Eaton Rapids Farmers Market
                          and initiating green spaces. At       and is an active member of Rotary and the Eaton Rapids
                          Moneyball Sportswear, he excelled in   Chamber of Commerce.
                          e-commerce, enhancing customer
                          engagement and relations. As a                          Kirsten Feldpausch is special gifts
                          Fatherhood Coalition Advisor, he                        manager for the Greater Lansing
        organized events and engaged communities. Paul                            Food Bank. Kirsten moved to Lansing
        has also left an impact through community service,                        shortly prior to the Covid Pandemic
        memberships, and achievements, including working as a                     and it was during that time she
        promotions committee member for Downtown Lansing                          witnessed the character of the region.
        Inc. As City of Lansing Leisure Services Advisory Board                   She stood alongside volunteers in
        President since April 2019, he strategically advises on                   the early morning hours on countless
        Parks and Recreation initiatives, optimizes community                     Saturdays helping to load the trunks
        resources, and raises funds for community centers.      Feldpausch        of hundreds of neighbors’ cars with
                                                                                  groceries they might not otherwise
                          Mikeyy Austin is a musician/artist,   be able to afford. She worked diligently to secure partners
                          business owner, organizer, culture    and funding for new programming to better ensure the
                          curator and an equity and leadership   equitable access of the GLFB services across Mid-Michigan
                          consultant for the Early Childhood    and worked collaboratively across the organization to
                          Investment Corporation. He is         successfully complete a capital campaign which greatly
                          founder and director of OurSpace      expanded the food bank’s capacity. Kirsten has become
                          (517), which produces Lansing’s       very involved in the community including being a member
                          largest cultural celebration in the 517   of the 2022-23 Leadership Lansing cohort, the local
                         —Juneteenth weekend in Reo Town.       Association of Fundraising Professionals chapter and
                          In the past three years, Juneteenth   is also a certified tourism ambassador for the greater
                          celebrations have generated over      Lansing area.
        $100,000 in revenue for Black and Brown businesses
        in Lansing. OurSpace (517) also supports other          Andrew Gauthier is founder and co-owner of Groovy
        organizations by providing event planning, marketing    Donuts in Williamston and East Lansing. A graduate of
        and advertising, video production, fundraising support   MSU, Andrew has a  successful background as a Wall
        and consultation. Mikeyy and his OurSpace (517) team    Street investment banker that has served him well as he
        were recipients of the 2023 Lansing Built to Last award.  has led Groovy Donuts in becoming an award-winning

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