Page 16 - LRCC October FOCUS 2023
P. 16

#LOVELANSING                                                            F O C U S M A G A Z I N E  |  O C T O BE R 2 0 2 3
                                                                                FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  OCTOBER 2023

                                                                                                                         Credit: Rod Sandford

        Play Michigan! All-Inclusive Playground Opens in

        Downtown Lansing


              he Community Foundation has announced the         of ability, so kids like ours can have fun and enjoy
              grand opening of Play Michigan!, the region's first   themselves without barriers."
        Tuniversally-accessible playground, on Sept. 16, 2023.
                                                                This innovative playground-park, designed to promote
        Play Michigan! is designed to meet the needs of         inclusivity and the well-being of children of all abilities,
        children with physical, sensory, and developmental      has become a reality thanks to generous of sponsors
        disabilities. The playground features wheelchair-       and gifts from community supporters, all matched
        accessible play equipment, specialty swings and         dollar-for-dollar by the Community Foundation.
        ramps, sensory play areas, and other inclusive features,   Major funders include AF Group, CASE Credit Union,
        ensuring that children of all abilities can play side   University of Michigan Health, Mary Free Bed, Peckham,
        by side. The 10,000-square-foot playground is part of   John and Jewel Bos, Eileen and Jerry Fhaner, and Linda
        a 66,000-square-foot park, located at 500 W. Grand      and Joel Zylstra. Linda Zylstra initiated the concept
        Avenue on the downtown Lansing riverfront. The park     as part of the Community Foundation’s vision for
        also includes a picnic deck, pavilion, and dedicated    developing the downtown Lansing riverfront.
        barrier-free parking. In addition, a wide boardwalk and
        dock allow every child to experience the waterfront.   "After overcoming pandemic-related delays and
        Feedback from the Autism community prompted             permitting challenges, we are delighted to unveil Play
        the Foundation to add safety features to help prevent   Michigan! to the public," said Laurie Strauss Baumer,
        children from running to the water.                     president & CEO of the Community Foundation. "The
                                                                original estimate of $1.6 million doubled over time to
        "As parents of children with disabilities, it can be so   $3.2 million, but the Foundation was wholly committed
        disheartening and such a struggle to find access        to this project so that every child, regardless of ability,
        to places and events that others attend without         has the opportunity to play in an inclusive environment.
        issue,” said parents Julia and Marlon Olivas. “We are   While the Foundation led the project and contributed
        so excited and grateful for such a beautiful, sensory-  most of the cost, we couldn’t have done it without our
        friendly playground that is so well thought out to      sponsors, donors, and partners – the City of Lansing,
        consider the needs of all community members and be      Wieland, Viridis Architects, Sinclair Recreation, and
        accommodating and inclusive to everyone regardless      Disability Network." l

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