Page 2 - LRCC October FOCUS 2023
P. 2


                  2023 Board of Directors

                             Board  Chair
                     Matt Resch / Resch Strategies
                              Past Chair
                        Mike Zamiara / Niowave
                       Lisa O’Connor / Publicom
                            Legal Counsel
            Mark Burzych / Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC
                         Luke Terry / Rehmann
           Tim Daman / Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
                        Division Directors

                  Marketing            Member Services
               Communications      Michelle Massey / TechSmith
             Kelly Preston / Capital    Government Relations
                 Steel & Wire
                                      Amy Scoby / Christman
              Regional Initiatives         Company
               Kirk Ray / McLaren                                                 WASTE SERVICES
              Greater Lansing, MI

               Jennifer Bigelow /     Steve Quinlan / Neogen
                General Motors
                                         Tom Ruis / PNC
                Tina Brumley /
                                           Joe Ruth /
            Auto-Owners Insurance Co.  Sparrow Health System
              Susi Elkins / MSUFCU
                                        Lisa Ellen Smith /
            Jim Farrell / Dart Container   InVerve Marketing
                 Roger Graff /         Todd Surline / Hiring
            Farm Bureau Insurance Co.      Solutions
                Glenn Granger /     Lisa Webb Sharpe / Peckham                      JOIN THE
              Granger Construction
                                       Dr. Kathleen Wilbur /                 LEADERSHIP CIRCLE
                Keith Granger /      Michigan State University
             Granger Waste Services                               Leadership Circle investors are proven business and
                                      Kevin Zielke / AF Group
               David Lewis / AT&T                                community leaders. We value their commitment and
                                          David Zyble /
               Van Martin / Martin    Jackson National Life       applaud their efforts to strengthen our region with
             Commercial Properties                                their leadership and appreciate the important role
                  Jeff Metts /                                         they play in advancing our organization.
               Dowding Industries
                       Board Partnerships

                  LEAP, Inc.        Melanated Business Alliance
             Bob Trezise / LEAP, Inc.  Dr. Alane Laws-Barker /           Stay Connected. Stay Social.
                 ATHENA WIN
            Deb Horak / Güd Marketing  Greater Lansing Hispanic
                                      Chamber of Commerce           
                  Lansing 5:01         Chaz Carrillo / David
            Chris Sell / Michigan State   Chapman Insurance Agency
                              FOCUS                                           Lansing Regional Chamber
                                                                              of Commerce
                Editor          Design         Print and
             Kelsey Teribery   Tandem Studios  Mailing Services               @LansingRegionalChamber
                                             BRD Printing
             Feature Writer   Cover Illustration  Incorporated
            Ross Woodstock   Courtesy MSU                                     Lansing Regional Chamber
                           Research Foundation                                of Commerce

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