Page 3 - LRCC October FOCUS 2023
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                                                                      DIVERSITY & INCLUSION

                                                                      08 WKAR – Help through the Radio Reading
                                                                          Service for 50 years
                                                                      09 Disability in the Workplace: An
                                                                          Opportunity Not a Barrier

                                                                      MEMBER NEWS
                                                                      11  Navigating Upcoming Tax Changes

                                                                      FOCUS ON TALENT
                                                                      12  Lansing Region’s Top Young
                                                                          Professionals Recognized at 10 Over
                                                                          the Next Ten Awards
                                                                      14  New Report: Billions Lost Due to Lack
                                                                          of Childcare
          18                                                          15  Building the Talent Pipeline Needed to

                                                                          Support Regional Growth

                                                                      #LOVELANSING, MI

                                                                      16  Play Michigan! All-Inclusive Playground
          on the cover                                                    Opens in Downtown Lansing

                                                                      17  Best of Lansing Festival: The Ultimate
          MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                       Celebration of Fun and Community
          IMPACT AND PARTNERSHIPS                                     ADVOCACY

                                                                      28  Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
                                                                          Announces Endorsements in East Lansing
          monthly features                                                City Council Races

                                                                      29  Lansing City Council Fall Agenda &
          04  Message from the       07  Welcome New
              Chamber                    Members                          Upcoming Key Projects

          05  Calendar of Events     26  Chamber in                   29  LRCC Pints & Politics Night!
          06  Thank You                  Action                       31  What’s on the November 7 Ballot?
              Renewing               28  ATHENA WIN                   31  LRC-PAC Endorsed Candidates for
              Members                32  Members on                       Lansing City Council

          06  Chamber                    the Move

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