Page 5 - LRCC October FOCUS 2023
P. 5                                                                  CALENDAR OF EVENTS

        October 2023

                   LANSING ECONOMIC CLUB                                    equity strategies, organizations can reap

          10/3     Tuesday, Oct. 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.            tangible, proven benefits including better
                   Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center,                       talent recruitment and retention, stronger
                   219 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing                       DEI outcomes, and improved organizational
                   The October Lansing Economic Club will                   performance.
                   focus on paving the pathway for greater                  Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for LRCC
                   student achievement and feature Jamie                    members and $25 for future LRCC members.
                   Vollmer. Vollmer is a former attorney and
                   business executive turned public school                  MEMBER MIXER
                   advocate. He previously served as president    10/10     Tuesday, Oct. 10, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
                   of the Great Midwestern Ice Cream Company                Capital Region International Airport, 4100
                   and participated in the Iowa Business and                Capital City Boulevard, Lansing
                   Education Roundtable for five years before               The Capital Region International Airport and
                   switching careers.                                       Eaton RESA are co-hosting a member mixer
                   Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for Lansing         to show the importance of business and
                   Economic Club members, $55 for LRCC                      education partnerships as they launch the
                   members and $75 for future LRCC members.                 Aviation Careers Institute.
                   A table of eight is $425.                                Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost.

                   LANSING REGIONAL ECONOMIC                                ATHENA WIN PROFESSIONAL
          10/5     AND FISCAL OUTLOOK                             10/24     GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT SERIES:
                   Thursday, Oct. 5, from 8 to 10 a.m.                      YOUR PRESENCE IS YOUR POWER
                   James B. Henry Center for Executive                      Tuesday, Oct. 24, from 9 to 9:30 a.m.
                   Development, 3535 Forest Road, Lansing                   Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce,
                   Michigan State University Extension and the              500 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200, Lansing
                   Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce are                 Join Gina Lisenby, founder of Revelation
                   pleased to announce the first annual Lansing             Road, to explore why it can be challenging to
                   Regional Economic and Fiscal Outlook.                    regulate our emotional responses when faced
                   The outlook will provide a view of the next              with stress and challenges, the 5 Areas of
                   year’s economic outlook on income and                    Personal Agency that enhance our resilience,
                   employment for the region along with the                 indicators of a limited versus expansive
                   revenue outlook for local governments.                   mindset and personal patterns, 3 practices
                   Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost.                    that help you get unstuck, stay present, and
                                                                            take action and how to build a resilience plan
                   DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION                            to stay confident and grounded.
         10/10     SERIES: EMBRACING A DIALOGUE                             Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for ATHENA
                   ABOUT GENDER EQUITY                                      WIN members and $25 for future ATHENA
                   & INTERSECTIONALITY                                      WIN members.
                   Tuesday, Oct. 10, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
                   Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce,                    BUSINESS EDUCATION SERIES:
                   500 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200, Lansing     10/25     MAXIMIZING PRODUCTIVITY –
                   The October Diversity, Equity and Inclusion              STRATEGIES FOR MORE
                   series will be led by Lori Simon, MPA, CDM,              EFFECTIVE WORK
                   CTA, president and principal consultant,                 Wednesday, Oct. 25, from 10 to 11:30 a.m.
                   SimonSezConsulting, LLC, and focus on                    Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce,
                   embracing a dialogue about gender equity                 500 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200, Lansing
                   and intersectionality.  In the drive for gender          Productivity is a habit and it’s something you
                   equity, organizations must acknowledge                   can become better at every day by choosing
                   the need for fully inclusive gender equity               the methods and tricks that work for you.
                   that recognizes the intersectionality of                 In the October Business Education Series
                   race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other           program, Emmie Musser, Future of Work
                   dimensions of identity. Efforts to improve               Strategist with TechSmith, is going to discuss
                   women representation in the leadership roles             some tried-and-true strategies for more
                   must include women from all backgrounds                  productive and effective workdays.
                   and experiences. When intersectionality                  Cost: Tickets are offered at no cost for LRCC
                   considerations are incorporated into gender              members and $25 for future LRCC members.

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