Page 14 - LRCC FOCUS November 2021
P. 14
It was a perfect fall evening to enjoy the October Member To cut the red ribbon was a culmination of blood, sweat
Mixer hosted by our friends at Carbidex, the leadership and tears for Amaru and all of the volunteers who have
team for The Botanical Company, Franklin Fields and Go worked so diligently to support the Funny is Funny
Greener. 100+ business and community leaders attended Comedy Club. Located adjacent to the Lansing Mall
the event and participated in guided tours of the high- at 921 Mall Drive West, Lansing, Funny is Funny aims to
tech cultivation center, Franklin Fields. Guests also bring national touring stand-up comedians to spread the
enjoyed fine food and drinks from Morton’s Fine Catering laughter to the Lansing area and beyond. Funny is Funny
and the live artistic expressions of glassblower Ben is committed to bringing you top headliners to get your
Birney. For the past 20 years, Ben has been exploring the belly laugh going. Every Wednesday through Sunday,
world of borosilicate art, color, and design, and you can they will bring to the Greater Lansing area a fresh national
check out more of his work on his Facebook page, Global touring stand-up comedian. Every Tuesday night is open-
Glassworks. mic stand-up comedy night. Funny Is Funny Comedy
Club is located in Greenwood District Studios, Michigan’s
first Black-owned film and television production
entertainment complex.
Completion of StoneBriar at Burcham Hills was Child and Family Charities, a nonprofit in Lansing,
celebrated by more than 175 attendees at a ribbon- announced that Child and Family Services of Michigan,
cutting ceremony and reception Wednesday, Sept. 29. best known for their program Operation Good Cheer,
This new four-story building offers 44 upscale apartments will be merging with their organization. The Lansing
for residents living independently. StoneBriar at Burcham Regional Chamber of Commerce was pleased to
Hills is the first life plan community in mid-Michigan to be part of their Sept. 23 ribbon tying ceremony and
provide an entrance fee independent living product. All merger celebration. Child and Family Charities is a local
StoneBriar apartments have a patio or balcony, high-end nonprofit organization with over 110 years of service in
finishes, a full-size kitchen, and a washer and dryer and mid-Michigan, offering child welfare, behavioral health,
are pet friendly. There is a separate covered entrance juvenile justice, residential, prevention, intervention, and
to the building as well as heated underground parking. advocacy programs for children, youth, and families.
Helping open StoneBriar at Burcham Hills are, from For more information, go to the agency website at
left, Richard Funk, Life Care Services; Jessy Gregg, East
Lansing Mayor; Jim Savage, Burcham Hills Board of
Trustees; Cheryl Strickland, Life Care Services; and Jim
Kaczmarczyk, Burcham Hills.