Page 26 - LRCC September 2022 Focus
P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                  FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2022

        NEW HIRES                                              product roadmap     Maddox worked as CEO and president
                                                               development,        of Application Specialist Kompany
                          Millcraft is excited                 market research,    (ASK) for 18 years, before merging with
                          by their growth                      and data            Convergence Networks out of Ottawa,
                          in the area and                      analysis to help    Ontario, and Portland, Oregon in 2021.
                          their newest                         support local
                          addition, Danielle                   municipalities                       Alyse
                          McClure. McClure                     and nonprofit                        Munishamaiah,
                          will be full-time                    organizations and                    LMSW, is excited
                          in their Lansing                     build the banks'                     to join the
                          market, ready      Gower             brand throughout                     Central Michigan
        McClure           to help with all   West and Central Michigan.                             University team
                          their customers'                                                          as associate
        paper, packaging, wide format, office                  Convergence                          director of
        supplies, and craft beverage supply                    Networks                             outreach,
        needs. McClure attended Oakland                        announced           Munishamaiah     business, and
        University, where she double-majored                   that Michael                         community
        in Environmental Science and                           Maddox has          engagement for the Capital Region.
        Communications.                                        been appointed      Munishamaiah is a very proud CMU
                                                               the company's       alumnus with a B.S. in Psychology and
        Union Bank has announced the                           new president.      a Masters in Social Work from Wayne
        addition of Leslie Gower, vice                         An experienced      State University and is licensed in the
        president, director of government    Maddox            business leader,    State of Michigan. Munishamaiah has
        and institutional banking. Gower                       Maddox will         extensive experience with program
        will focus on strategic initiatives to   work with CEO Mathew Lafrance to   building, relationship management,
        successfully drive new business with   continue to grow the organization.   and business development.



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