Page 28 - LRCC September 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                  FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2022

        Culinary Arts; Josephine Jorgensen   of equity in the college's education   Peckham work experience. This
        (Mason), Silver Medalist, Culinary Arts;   programs and services, and in the   year, 83 percent of employees said
        Jean Robinson (Lansing Christian),   administration and delivery of those   Peckham is a great place to work —
        Silver Medalist, Culinary Arts; Maya   programs and services.              24 points higher than the average
        Marsh (Okemos), Silver Medalist, Food                                      U.S. company.
        Innovations; Amelia Wilson (Mason),                    Congratulations
        Silver Medalist, Food Innovations;                     to Chris Jackson                     Origami
        Shawn Hotelling (Fowlerville),                         of the Lansing                       Rehabilitation's
        Bronze Medalist, Baking & Pastries;                    Pharaohs for his                     Amanda Carr,
        Todd Williams (Stockbridge), Bronze                    recognition by                       director of
        Medalist, Baking & Pastries; Lirin                     The Basketball                       rehabilitation,
        Bolcavage (Stockbridge), Bronze                        League with a                        has joined the
        Medalist, Sports Nutrition, and Lucas                  2022 season CEO                      Conference
        Leibrand (Mason), Bronze Medalist,                     Award.                               Planning
        Sports Nutrition.                    Jackson                                                Committee for
                                                                                                    the Brain Injury
        MSU Federal Credit Union                                                   Carr             Association of
        (MSUFCU) is proud to announce        Dave Muhleck, the owner of            America's Brain Injury Business
        that the vice president of digital   Allegra Marketing Print Mail in       Practice College, which is presented
        strategy and innovation, Benjamin    Okemos, was recently honored          annually for c-level executives
        Maxim, received first place in the   by the Alliance Franchise Brands      and marketing professionals
        Technologist of the Year Category of   network with the prestigious        from the nation's top brain injury
        Finopotamus' 2022 Tekkie Awards.     Sales Excellence and Sales Growth     rehabilitation programs and long-
        The Tekkie Awards recognize          awards. Allegra Okemos also           term care facilities.
        outstanding achievements in credit   received the Sales Growth award,
        union technology.                    which is given annually to the top                     Origami
                                             10 businesses in the network. In                       Rehabilitation
                          E.W. Sparrow       addition to the convention awards,                     would like to
                          Hospital Nurse     Allegra Okemos recently ranked                         recognize Ron
                          Kelly Kowalski,    on the Top 100 Quick and Small                         Radawiec,
                          RN, has been       Commercial Printers list compiled                      physical
                          recognized with    by Printing News in its annual                         therapist, for
                          the DAISY Award    survey. Muhleck's center ranked                        recently being
                          for outstanding    #66 on the list this year, up 15 places                appointed
                          nursing after      from #81 in 2021.                                      as Sergeant
                          delivering                                               Radawiec         at Arms for
                          extraordinary,     DISTINCTIONS                          the Yawn Patrol Toastmaster's
                          compassionate                                            group for the 2022-2023 year.
        care and leading-edge medicine to    Peckham has been Certified™ by        Toastmasters International is a
        a special patient with disabilities.   Great Place to Work® for the eighth   nonprofit educational organization
        Kowalski became a Sparrow            consecutive year. This prestigious    that teaches public speaking and
        caregiver in May 2021.               award is based entirely on current    leadership skills through a worldwide
                                             employees' feedback about their       network of clubs.
        The Association of Community
        College Trustees has awarded
        the Lansing Community College
        (LCC) Board of Trustees the Charles
        Kennedy Equity Award and LCC
        Trustee Robert Proctor the M.
        Dale Ensign Trustee Leadership
        Award. The award recognizes the
        tremendous contributions made
        by equity programs and trustees.
        As the recipient of the Charles
        Kennedy Equity Award, LCC's Board
        of Trustees are being recognized for
        their exemplary commitment as a
        governing board to the achievement

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