Page 31 - LRCC September 2022 Focus
assistance in preparing for meeting along primary corridors. The most
with employers can visit any of the active retail segments in the Lansing
AJCs or find resources on CAMW! 's area included fast casual and quick-
website. service restaurants, fashion retailers,
and service retailers. While returning
Enrollment is open for LAFCU's free, to the office remains a moving target
comprehensive personal finance for many employers, the first half of
course “Pathway to Financial 2022 showed signs of recovery within
Transformation” for adults ages 20 the office sector. The momentum
and over. The 16-session course covers continued in the industrial sector, Wells Toivonen-Traux
topics critical for financial stability with increased demand for space and Origami
and, ultimately, financial freedom. It is declining vacancy rates. Rehabilitation
structured similarly to a college course would like
with assignments and quizzes. The At their grand to recognize
one-hour classes will be held virtually re-opening on Speech-Language
on Thursdays at 6 p.m., about twice Aug. 5, Century Pathologists
monthly, from Sept. 8, 2022 to Apr. 27, 21 Looking Glass Linda Wells,
2023. To enroll, visit officially finalized April Toivonen-
pathway. The enrollment deadline is its merger with Traux, and
Sept. 6, 2022. Century 21 Seguin Jessica Seguin
Affiliated. The for creating the
Colliers Lansing released its market company will be Let's Talk Intensive Aphasia Program.
trend report for the first half of 2022. Fox known as Century This program is designed to meet
Retail growth continued during the 21 Affiliated and each individual's communication and
first half of 2022, with many new will continue to defy mediocrity and therapy needs and improve overall
concepts entering the market and deliver extraordinary experiences to quality of life. This program is offered
existing retailers expanding, especially its clients. Aaron Fox is the owner and at both of Origami's campuses in
broker. Their office at 7200 W Saginaw Lansing and Mason.
is one of four locations that officially
A Leadership re-opened under the new name. MSU Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU)
Book with a The Potterville Adult Education (PAE) employees raised $51,647 for local
organizations during the second
TWIS T program has moved into Capital quarter of 2022, bringing the total
Area Michigan Works! 's (CAMW!)
amount raised for their charity to
Ingham County (Lansing) American
Job Center. PAE provides people aged $98,455. MSUFCU employees select
one charity partner per quarter for
18 and older in Ingham, Eaton, and which to raise funds. Throughout the
Clinton counties with the opportunity second quarter of 2022, Love In Deed
to earn a High School Equivalent was the charity partner of choice,
certificate in addition to offering Adult receiving $43,470. Love In Deed's
Basic Education designed for adults mission is to support Michigan's foster
whose math and reading skills are children by providing clothing, shoes,
below the ninth-grade level. CAMW! is and other essential items for daily
proud to partner with PAE to further living at no cost to the foster families.
direct access to education.
Dickinson Wright is pleased to
Six attorneys from the Lansing office announce that three of the firm's
of Foster Swift Collins & Smith, attorneys in Lansing have been named
PC have been selected to the 2022 2022 Michigan Super Lawyers and
Michigan Super Lawyers list, while two one attorney has been named a 2022
others have been selected as "Rising Michigan Super Lawyers "Rising Star."
Author: Ross Woodstock Stars." The 2022 Michigan Super Dickinson Wright attorneys recognized
Executive Coach and Lawyers included Charles E. Barbieri, on this year's Michigan Super Lawyers
Leadership Consultant Charles A. Janssen, Richard C. Kraus, list include Peter H. Ellsworth, Kester K.
Available on Amazon Scott L. Mandel, Douglas A. Mielock, So, and Jeffery V. Stuckey. Dickinson
and Scott A. Storey. 2022 "Rising Wright attorney Nolan J. Moody was
Stars" included Taylor A. Gast and recognized on this year's list of Michigan
Warren H. Krueger III. Super Lawyers Rising Stars. l
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