Page 21 - LRCC July 2020 Focus
P. 21


        Women’s Leadership Panel

        Shares Insights on Pathways

        to Success

        work, seeking out mentors, networking, and service to others according to the
        Women’s Leadership Panel during the June 3 Lansing Economic Club. The
        prestigious panel included Marianne Samper, retired attorney,  Willingham
        and Cote, PC; Rachelle Neal, founder, owner and chief researcher for Capitol
        Research Services and Paula Cunningham, state director for AARP Michigan.   “You have to have a passion for what you do,” said Cunningham. “There is
        The program was moderated by Cameo King, CEO, Good Girl Radio and   nothing that should replace your core values. You must know who you are. You
        founder and president, Grit Glam and Guts.                         need to take care of yourself and your family.”

        Marianne Samper told  the  audience  that  to  be  successful,  women must  be   “We have to understand and accept that we can’t be all things to all people,” said
        prepared for hard work.                                            Neal. “Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Be kind to yourself. Don’t
                                                                           beat yourself up.”
        “It takes time, and it takes discipline,” said Samper. “You have to find your path
        to get there.”                                                    “Balance is a fleeting thing,” said Samper. “You are always going to be going
                                                                           one way or the other. What’s important is for you to be mindful when you are
        All the panelists have a deep history of community service, and networking,   getting out of balance and get yourself back in balance.”
        which they agreed are critical to long-term success. Panelists were also asked
        about challenges women face in trying to balance responsibilities at home and   Cunningham, Neal, and Samper have all been recipients of the ATHENA
        work. Paula Cunningham shared that she chose to remain at home for several   award. All three stressed the importance of one of ATHENA’s core values—
        years when her children were young.                                authenticity, and the importance of service to the community. n

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