Page 25 - LRCC July 2020 Focus
P. 25
Every May, Lansing School; Nancy Cotter, Lansing School
students in District; Marty Frew, Mason Public Schools;
the Ingham Kaylee Fletcher, Haslett Public Schools;
Intermediate Heidi Irvine, Holt Public Schools; Patricia
Sc hool Pisano, Holt Public Schools; Amber Crosby-
D i s t r i c t Boerman, Holt Public Schools; Tracy Vincent,
service area Holt Public Schools; Patricia David, Leslie
are recognized Public Schools; Leanne Schnepp, Leslie Public
for artwork Schools; Jen Harrington, Mason Public Schools;
created during Yolonda Combs, Mason Public Schools; Addy
the school Hamilton, Mason Public Schools; Tracy Casali,
year through Mason Public Schools; Nour Marwan, Lansing
a partnership School District; Liz Napolitano, Haslett Public
with the Schools; Liz Wylegala, St. Martha School; Julia Sparrow Clinton Hospital photo caption: Following Sparrow Clinton Hospital
Lansing Art Naccarato, Lansing School District; Meagan tradition, the least tenured nurse, Julie Schafer, RN, (from right) joined SCH
Gallery and the Michigan Education Leadership Kubu, Williamston Community Schools; Jon President Beth Daugherty, BSN, MPH, RN, CRRN, and the most tenured nurse,
Gretchen Priess, RN, in cutting the cake to celebrate National Nurses Week.
Group (MELG). With school buildings closed Gere, Williamston Community Schools; Shari
due to COVID-19, this year Ingham ISD and Apol, Lansing School District and Amy Miros, chosen by prior award winners and current board
its partners were unable to host the selected Lansing School District. members for the top volunteer of the year award
candidates’ receptions. Instead, artwork from because of her dedication to enhancing the
the 2019-20 school year will be featured on mission and purpose of the local United Way. She
both the Ingham ISD and the Lansing Art served as a member of the board of directors from
Gallery websites. Each participating school can 2011 to 2016. During her tenure with Capital
submit up to 20 entries. This year, 35 schools Area United Way, she served as a member of
submitted 375 entries from local elementary, the human resources committee, originated and
middle, and high school students. From these chaired the diversity and inclusion committee,
entries, a qualified juror selected 50 works of art and participated on a grant allocation team. She
to be professionally framed and exhibited. Gina is a current member of the Women United and
Ried, Lansing School District; Layna Lesnau, the human resources committee.
Cole Academy/Cole Academy East; Heather
McNeilly, Okemos Public School; Angie Herek, When COVID-19
Williamston Community Schools; Beth Schulte, closed schools all over
Waverly Community Schools; Pamela Collins, Michigan in March,
Sparrow Hospital Nurse of the Year Laura Timm (left) receives her recognition many celebrations
from Chief Nursing Officer Amy Brown.
for seniors had to be
A Nurse in Sparrow Hospital’s Neuro Trauma canceled, postponed,
Ross Woodstock Intensive Care Unit who was instrumental in or turned into virtual
Executive and Professional Coaching setting up a COVID-19 unit has been named events. One time-
Kolt Communications the hospital’s Nurse of the Year. Laura Timm, honored tradition for
BSN, RN, CCRN, volunteered to take care seniors graduating
Helping PEOPLE Succeed. of COVID-19 patients from the start of the from Wilson Talent
Helping ORGANIZATIONS Grow. pandemic and is known as a team player and Center (WTC) career
strong advocate for patient safety. Artesia and technical education programs is to receive | 517-706-0001 Vannote, BSN, RN-BC, of Sparrow Specialty a WTC graduation medal. Seniors can wear Hospital, was named Preceptor of the Year. these medals at their local district graduation
Sparrow Carson Hospital recognized Jessica ceremonies with their caps and gowns.
Heleski, RN, as its Nurse of the Year. During Administrators from the WTC were able to
this unprecedented time, Sparrow Clinton coordinate with some local districts to distribute
Hospital chose not to give accolades to a single these medals to graduating seniors. Others were
nurse, but to honor all 70 nurse caregivers picked up via a drive-through by parents or
as the 2020 Nurses of the Year. At Sparrow students. In all, over 400 medals were distributed.
Ionia Hospital, Emergency Department nurse
Samantha Fletcher, BSN, RN, was selected as Publicom Inc.,
the 2020 Nurse of the Year. a full-service
mar keting
Andrea Rodriguez, a retired communications
educator and active community firm, has won five
volunteer, received the Walter national awards in
A. Campbell Award from the 37th Annual
the Capital Area United Healthc ar e
Way for service on numerous A dv er t ising
committees and the board A war ds
of directors. Rodriguez was competition, the largest and oldest healthcare