Page 27 - LRCC September 2022 Focus
P. 27                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                                                               directly with the   role, Trumble was a senior personal
                                                               clients, identify   banker where he oversaw daily branch
                                                               their goals,        operations.
                                                               and strategize
                                                               processes for       AWARDS
                                                               making those
                                                               goals happen. She
                                                               will help ensure
                                                               all of Redhead's
                                                               clients are cared
        Local arts administration and publicity                for from start to
        firm Opportunity Arts would like                       finish.
        to announce the hiring of Rooted
        Reverence Festival Organizers                          Chris Trumble
        Morgan Madden and Sarah Renee                          has joined
        Sanders to the company's front office.                 Horizon Bank as a
        Madden will serve in the role of chief                 customer service    Ten students from the Wilson Talent
        organizational officer and head of                     representative in   Center's Culinary Arts & Hospitality
        talent relations, while Sanders will                   the Okemos office   program recently traveled to San
        serve as director of infrastructural                   at 2151 West Grand   Diego, California, to attend the Family,
        endeavors and head of business                         River. Trumble has   Career, and Community Leaders
        relations.                                             over 20 years of    of America National Leadership
                                                               experience in the   Conference. All ten students who
        Denise Donahue is the newest                           financial industry.   participated medaled at the event.
        addition to the team at Redhead      He has held previous positions        They include Emaleigh Keast (Mason),
        Creative Consultancy. As account     including teller, loan officer, and   Silver Medalist, Baking & Pastries;
        services director, Donahue will work   universal banker. In his most recent   Lilly Meka (Haslett), Silver Medalist,

                                                                  Supporting Our Community
                                                                  Supporting Our Community
                                                                                Since 1966
                                                                                Since 1966


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