Page 30 - LRCC September 2022 Focus
P. 30

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                  FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  SEPTEMBER 2022

        PROMOTIONS                                             unit called CMU                      guidance of Edge
                                                               Innovation and                       CEO Lorri Rishar,
                          Sparrow Carson                       Online. The                          MBA, Galloway
                          Hospital is                          new academic                         experienced
                          pleased to                           unit will be                         various aspects
                          announce Sarah                       future-oriented,                     of marketing and
                          Stadel, M.D., as its                 inclusive, and,                      meet multiple
                          new Emergency                        most importantly,                    clients across
                          Department                           student-centered.                    Michigan. Her
                          Medical Director.   Kirby            President Davies    Galloway         experience
                          Dr. Stadel                           appointed                            includes
                          joined the         Elizabeth "Betty" Kirby to lead the   interacting with a diverse group of
                          Sparrow Carson     new unit. Kirby will serve as the first   nonprofit, corporate, government, and
        Emergency Department in October      vice president of CMU Innovation and   association clients.
        2020 and is a graduate of the Ross   Online.
        University School of Medicine.                                             COMPANY NEWS
        She completed her Emergency          PEOPLE NEWS
        Medicine residency with Michigan                                           Capital Area Michigan Works!
        State University at Sparrow Hospital   Edge understands the critical       (CAMW!) has restored the Employer of
        in Lansing and is certified through   need to attract and retain talent in   the Day events — enabling employers
        the American Board of Emergency      Michigan. To that end, the Lansing-   to interact with job seekers on-site
        Medicine.                            based strategic marketing and         — at CAMW!'s American Job Centers
                                             communications agency recently        (AJCs). Employers who are interested
        As demand grows for greater flexibility   welcomed Alexis Galloway, a North   in learning about hosting an Employer
        in higher education, Central Michigan   Carolina State University (NCSU)   of the Day event can email TSand@
        University has restructured its Global   junior, for an intense, one-week and review CAMW!'s use of
        Campus to create a new academic      professional immersion. Under the     facilities policy. Job seekers seeking

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             One of our

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                 many wise


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             At T
             At Tri-Star Trust, we do more than
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                         rust, we do mor
             make financial investments. W
             make financial investments. We
             make financial investments. W
             invest in the people and communities
             invest in the people and communities
             invest in the people and communities
             we serve. Through volunteerism,
                           ough volunteerism,
                           ough volunteerism,
             we serve. Thr
             we serve. Thr
             community partnerships and direct
             community partnerships and dir
             community partnerships and dir   ect
             financial support, we work to addr  ess
             financial support, we work to address
             financial support, we work to addr
             the most critical challenges that face
             the most critical challenges that face
             the most critical challenges that face
             our communities. In so doing, we help
             our communities. In so doing, we help
             our communities. In so doing, we help
             create brighter futures for all.
               eate brighter futur
               eate brighter futur
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                                  es for all.
                                  es for all.
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