Page 13 - LRCC FOCUS July 2024
P. 13                                                                            ATHENA WIN

        ATHENA WIN Board Member Spotlight: Jessica Fleet

        By Jessica Fleet, CPA, CHFP, Principal, Maner Costerisan & ATHENA WIN Board Member

          ’ve spent the last 10 years at Maner                  We introduced Lean In circles in 2023, which started
          Costerisan, and during this time,                     the beginning of Maner’s Women at Work. This
       II’ve witnessed significant changes                      initiative is led by female principals, including myself,
        in our company culture, especially in                   and we meet monthly to discuss topics related to
        how the firm supports and values its                    personal and professional development. Our goal is
        female employees. Maner has made a                      to empower and inspire women at Maner and provide
        conscious effort to provide platforms                   them with skills to navigate an industry that has
        for women to have a voice and an                        historically been male-dominated.
        equal place at the table. Over the past
        couple of years, we have made many   Fleet              A huge part of my professional growth has been
        notable, positive changes.                              the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors
                                                                for ATHENA WIN and the McLaren Greater Lansing
        In 2022, our Staff Advisory Group focused on “Setting   Foundation as their Treasurer. With these experiences,
        Women Up for Success”, which led to an improved         I have been able to learn and build meaningful
        parental leave policy. This change was much needed      relationships with women leaders throughout the
        to show our women employees that we stand by them       Lansing area. Through their ongoing growth, Maner has
        when they are needed at home with their families.       provided me with incredible opportunities to grow as
        This policy was implemented before my son was born,     a professional and provide balance in my personal life
        allowing me to spend valuable time with him at home.    which shows their continued drive to support women. l

          Upcoming ATHENA WIN Programs & Events

          Check out these upcoming ATHENA WIN events and important program deadlines below. For more
          information about ATHENA WIN events and programs and to register, please visit
          •  The new Aspiring Leaders Program is now accepting applications for both mentees and mentors. The
            application deadline is Monday, July 15
          •  Summer Social: Wednesday, July 24, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Urban Beat
          •  Evening of Empowerment: Thursday, Sept. 26, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Lansing
            (sponsorships available)

                                                  Nominations are now being accepted

                                                  for the ATHENA Leadership Award!

                                                  This award honors individuals who strive towards the highest levels
                                                  of professional accomplishment, excel in their chosen field, have
                                                  devoted time and energy to their community, and pave paths for
                                                  other women to follow.
                                                  Nominations must be submitted by Friday, Aug. 9. Learn more and
                                                  submit your nominations at

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