Page 14 - LRCC FOCUS July 2024
P. 14

The Vital Role of


                          Region’s Town Centers Serve as Nuclei for

                                      Commerce and Community

                                                     By Jennifer McEntee

        If one were to create                                   2003 to 2023 estimates an overall economic impact of

        the perfect downtown community – a mecca that felt safe   $445.6 million, 4,000-plus jobs supported, and cumulative
                                                                state tax revenue of $8.8 million in Michigan.
        and welcoming, with businesses that fueled economic
        growth and social connection – what might it include?   “Ultimately, our goal is to create spaces that people
        Would it have a quaint general store or a historic landmark?   are excited to engage with,” said Krizov, explaining
        A hip coffee shop, a cozy restaurant, or an evening event   that the MEDC provides community groups with
        venue? Would the downtown streets be lined with         technical assistance at various levels. “We empower our
        accessible sidewalks, flowers, and public art? Moreover, is   communities and commercial districts with the tools and
        there a time-tested formula for a central town hub that   resources they need to shape and tell their own unique
        meets the economic needs of its larger community?       story.”

        These are the questions the Michigan Economic           Some greater Lansing community groups – like the Old
        Development Corporation has been trying to answer       Town Commercial Association and Downtown Lansing Inc.
        for at least the last two decades with its Michigan Main   – have applied the Michigan Main Street framework to the
        Street program, part of the larger Main Street America   betterment of their downtowns and are now considered
        collaboration.                                          national models of the program’s success. There are
                                                                currently 22 Michigan Main Street communities statewide,
        Main Street organizers work with downtown chambers      according to Krizov.
        of commerce and business associations to identify what
        makes a town’s commercial core unique and attractive    Other downtowns in the Lansing region are using their
        to locals and out-of-towners alike. By highlighting the   own resources and civic pride to beautify facades, host
        amenities and historic charm of a downtown, Main Street   community events, and reduce storefront vacancy rates.
        organizers hope to spur resilient economies that improve
        the quality of life for the region at large.            Civic boosters across greater Lansing understand that
                                                                downtowns are not just the heart and identity of their
        Laura Krizov of the Michigan Economic Development       communities but key drivers of jobs, entrepreneurship,
        Corporation has managed its Michigan Main Street        and tax dollars. Here’s a snapshot of what’s happening in
        program for the last 17 years. While every community is   several of our regional downtowns.
        different, Krizov said the most successful Main Streets have
        dedicated leadership with a vision for what makes their   SETTING THE BAR
        commercial core special.
                                                                Downtown Lansing Inc. qualified as a semifinalist for the
        “I think it’s the authenticity of the district, right? You could   2024 Great American Main Street Award.
        be in any strip mall or lifestyle center and stand in front of,
        you know, a Gap store and feel like you could be anywhere,”   “It’s such an honor, and it’s also a testament to all of the
        Krizov said. “But by identifying what is unique and has   work and the innovation that our volunteers, our board
        character, you can have a place people would rather come   members, our staff, and just our community overall have
        to visit. Make them have an experience — that could be   put into making sure that downtown Lansing continues
        the restaurants, the retail stores, murals, or pocket parks. I   to be revitalized,” said Downtown Lansing Inc.’s executive
        think people are looking for that experience.”          director Cathleen Edgerly. “We really focus on that
                                                                community-led approach to the long-term transformation
        An analysis of the Michigan Main Street program from    of downtown Lansing.”

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