Page 17 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 17

humans and living things? Water is a key            Planet Forum & Champions
          consideration and from a business
          perspective, something we pay for twice;            As part of our sustainability agenda, we’ve
          clean water and water going down the drain.         formed a Planet Forum who will help us meet
          We are setting overarching goals to reduce          our objectives with these priorities and also
          our water consumption from processes                continue to drive forward sustainability
          (factoring out the water used in products like  within our Divisions. The Planet Forum
          our drinks).                                        representative for SHS GB is Katie Rowe.

                                                              We are also forming Planet Champions where
                                                              you have the opportunity to get involved
                                                              in making SHS as sustainable as possible.
                                                              Champions will be able to get involved in
                                                              specific projects within their Division as well
                                                              as helping us raise awareness and
                                                              engagement of sustainability across our
          Sustainable Sourcing                                sites. If you’re interested in becoming a
                                                              Planet Champion, please get in touch with
          When we buy products or food, we don’t nec-         Katie Rowe your Planet Forum
          essarily think about how it is made, where          Representative.
          it is grown or who is involved in making it.
          Sustainable sourcing is a central responsi-
          bility for us as we have a duty to ensure that
          the products we buy across our global sup-
          ply chain are not linked to harmful ethical or
          environmental practices.


          Place Update                                        walking, running, biking as well as bake
                                                              sales, sweepstakes and raffles. The total
          Alzheimer’s Society                                 amount raised over the last two years was an

                                                              amazing £7,897 which is a fantastic achieve-
          Over the past 2 years we have partnered             ment especially during such a difficult time.
          with the Alzheimer’s Society as our staff           Thank you to everyone who contributed and
          nominated charity and we have organised a           took part in the activities over the last two
          variety of fundraising activities including         years. Our support to the Alzheimer’s Society
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