Page 12 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 12

brings - base cleanse and forecasting base.         are currently testing and training on the IBP
          We have had a very positive start to 2021           tool with a view to going live at the end of
          and our adoption of the monthly forecasting         March.
          cycle. Across all Business Units, Demand
          Planners, who are responsible for base              Spirit Value “T” for Teamwork
          volume, are meeting with Sales, who are
          responsible for uplift volume (and sales            Over the last three months through the
          conditions) and together are arriving at            peak work periods where
          a consensus forecast. This collaboration            the Supply team has been
          around a forward-looking number is at the           working on master data and
          heart of the new Gazelle tool and monthly           testing for the Supply go
          cycle, the feedback both from demand plan-          live or where we have
          ning and sales at this early stage is that the      preparing  a new Brand
          sessions are going well. Of course it will take     Owner such as General
          us some time to work out the right level of         Mills to go live, the whole
          detail for these account reviews, the right         Commercial Ops team has
          frequency to hold them and how to optimise          supported each other,
          this whole process so that it is more efficient     covering each other Brands
          for everyone’s time and delivering added            to ensure continuity, whilst
          value.                                              “Gazelling”. I’d like to thank
                                                              all of the team for this supportive approach
          Remembering the purpose is to forecast              and dedication. A true team effort, well

          better so that the Supply Planning team know  done!
          what stock to inform the Brand Owner that
          we require, so that customers can receive the  Chris Waller left the Demand Planning team
          fullest service levels that we can provide. In      at the end of February and will be replaced
          time we will start measuring forecast               by Meg Ellott at the end of March, and I’d
          accuracy as we continue to embed these              like to welcome Meg to the team.
          monthly routines.
          Supply Planning
                                                              Whilst we embed all of the new gazelle tools
          The last part of the main Gazelle modules to        and processes, one of the core objectives
          go live is Supply Planning. This completes the  of the tools is to have a “better” stock hold-
          end to end process on all of the new Gazelle        ing – ie. Sufficient stock in the warehouse
          tools – IBP & CBP. Essentially the consensus        to meet the consensus forecast agreed by
          forecast agreed upon as above, will then flow  sales and demand planners, but not too
          through on the IBP tool to the Supply               much that we are over-stocked and run into
          planners, to give them a forward planning           issues with dates, paying for storage and
          tool to allow them to give Brand Owners             tying up working capital. Post Easter there
          forward forecasts of what we would like to          will be a renewed focus on Stock, with the
          buy of each SKU and ultimately make the             Back to Basics sessions put back in the
          purchase. The Supply Planners, led by Sean,         diary with a focus on stock and laterally
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