Page 11 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 11

The Gazelle program comes to a conclusion         Courts, Sarah Meadows, Joanne Brandon,
           at the end of March and at this stage hands        Kelly Bainbridge, Hannah O’Brien, Adrian
           over to Business As Usual Teams to drive           Smith and Dave Thomas representing the
           the ways of working and behaviours. The            breadth of functions and business units
           businesses will be supported by a Business         within the GB business. This aligns with the
           Improvement team facilitating the                  approach and breadth of business experts we
           transitioning to these new ways of working         have in Drinks and if there are any questions
           that Gazelle has delivered and to help em-         relating to CBP or IBP these people will be
           bed these processes to ensure our people           the first point of contact. Ireland and BPS will
           get the most out of the new tools. More de-        look to implement similar expertise and
           tails will be shared on this over the coming       support across their functions as we move
           weeks.                                             into Q2 and beyond.

           A fantastic example of Teamwork and                I would like to take this opportunity to
           Ownership, in the GB business there is             personally thank everyone on the Gazelle
           already a Cycle Forum established which is         Team for their drive and commitment in get-
           focused on optimising the ways of                  ting us to this point and the wider business
           working, sharing best practice and resolving  Divisions for their support and ownership in
           any issues to make processes work e                driving the new behaviours within their
           ffectively.  This team, headed up by               businesses.
           Jason Shirlow consists of Rory da Costa,
           Sean Cunningham, Elaine Bingham, Jodie             Alan


           Operations Update

          After an incredibly busy 2020, 2021 has             The Demand Planning team, led by Rory, have
          started on the same vein for the team.              now been active on the new IBP tools for 6
                                                              months and are making great progress. The
          Demand Planning                                     team are now familiar with the tool and are
                                                              into the monthly rhythm that Gazelle
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