Page 16 - Newsbites March 2021
P. 16


           Sustainability Update                              both significant sustainability and cost
           Sustainability is a core priority for the Group
           and 2020 has highlighted just how                  We are zero to landfill at SHS GB. This means
           important sustainability really is to us all.      all of our waste is reused, recycled or
                                                              converted into energy.
           Over the past year we have been working on
           our Group sustainability strategy and
           roadmap. We’ve benchmarked all of our sites
           and the wider Group, completed a gap
           analysis and we have set out our
           Sustainability Charter. Following on from
           this, we have decided to prioritise 5 key
           sustainability areas over the next 4 years.
           All of these are topics that affect every one      Packaging
           of us and areas we can all make a positive
           impact on.                                         Ever since David Attenborough’s Blue
                                                              Planet, we’ve seen the consequences of
           Energy                                             plastic pollution on our world and from this,
                                                              there’s been huge demand for sustainable
           Climate change is an emergency; current            packaging. Think of how much black plastic
           science tells us we have about 9 years to          was around a couple of years ago and how
           do something about this before irreversible        little we see now - recyclable packaging is a
           damage if global warming surpasses 1.5oC.          key consumer demand and concern.
           The majority of our sites are now on
           renewable electricity and we’re keen to            We’re targeting all of our produced finished
           reduce our carbon emissions and ensure             goods packaging to be 100% recyclable for
           we’re as energy efficient as possible. This        2025 and for cardboard, timber and paper
           not only helps us from an environmental side  packaging to be FSC/PESC certified. We also
           but helps us stay resilient as a business.         want to use more recycled packaging in the
                                                              first place.

           We are setting Group objectives in our
           Sustainability Charter around achieving zero       It’s easy to take water for granted; after all it
           to landfill. Beyond that though, we don’t          feels like it’s all around us. Did you know only
           want to create waste in the first place. It has  1% of the world’s water is actually usable by
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