Page 22 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 22

Simple Solution: Do not access websites   your PC or Laptop! NEVER share
          which are not what they seem, or   passwords. NEVER enter your logon
          open emails that you are suspicious   details into unknown systems or
          of. This is how Malware is spread!  unfamiliar logon screens without
                                            thinking and checking with IS. NEVER
          SHS Approach: Technical tools are in   bypass warnings that a website may
          place to detect and block Malware.    be dangerous! Always take care with
          IS deploys software and audit tools    emails that are unexpected or have an
          to enhance our ability to control   “odd” tone. Check the reply to address
                                            and check that the URL is actually
          Learning: Do not download or install   what it appears to be by hovering over
          any unauthorised software on company   links and email addresses.
          devices. Please ask IS for support in   Finally, always ask IS if you are
          deploying any new software.       suspicious or think you may have fallen
                                            into a trap. The faster we can react,
          4.   Social Engineering           the better we can control threats.
          Hackers will also try to persuade
          others to help gain access to valuable
          company information and systems.
          The attack may be via a Phishing
          email, voice or SMS message.

          Simple Solution: If it looks too good to
          be true then it probably is too good to
          be true.
          SHS Approach: We provide automated
          tools to filter SPAM and Phishing emails
          but inevitably some will get through.
          Learning: NEVER allow ANYONE apart
          from SHS IS to remotely connect to

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