Page 19 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
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Mind and the support it can offer as part
                                            of Mental Health Awareness Week if you
 WE TAKE CARE OF OUR:                       were unable to attend you can view this
 PLACE | By supporting our local communities  on the Larder.

                                            Other ways you can support Mind:
 Manderson House Charity Update             If you fancy doing something a bit different

          •  Colour Run, Cardiff, September 2021   for your birthday and are stuck for ideas,
                                            then why not create a birthday fundraiser
 We are very excited to team up with Mind   SHS Team is fundraising for Mind   (exact date tbc)   on Facebook. Creating it is simple and it’s
 for our nominated Charity Partnership here   (  Cardiff - The Color Run™  a great way to support Mind.
 at Manderson House. We have pulled   •  Tough Mudder, Badminton 21st/22nd   • Please find a further list of other
 together some events below to support   August 2021 (other venues are    community fundraising events including   An update on Prys’s
 them and raise much needed funds for the   available across the country)   Gaming at the:  Everesting Challenge:
 great work they do. There are also links   Tough Mudder 5k South West 2021    get-involved/donate-or-fundraise/do-  Earlier this year,
 to other support they offer so do please   Mind, the mental health charity - help   your-own-fundraising/   Prys Attaway decided
 have a look and if you have any questions,   for mental health problems   to take on a bike
 please speak to a member of the Charity     If you would like to sign up to one of   challenge to support
 Committee. Alternatively, we have various   the above events or any other events   Mind. He is trying to climb the equivalent
 Mental Health Champions across the   supporting Mind, the business will pay   of 5 Everest's (145,150ft) in 2021. So far, he
 business so if you ever need a confidential   for the registration fee, all you have to   has climbed 89,260 feet and is well on his
 chat or support, they are happy to help.   do is raise money!  way to reaching his target and has raised
 Please go to the Larder to find out who    £380! If you would like to support him,
 your representatives are.  Support from Mind:
          • The Mental Health at Work Gateway - is   then please visit his JustGiving page. Good
 Events that we will be supporting:  a central hub for employees, HR and   Luck Prys!
 •  SHS Group Summer Challenge -   management staff to access resources,   Many Thanks,
 support our Group wide challenge this   case studies, toolkits to support staff
 Summer and put your best foot forward   •  Cheltenham 10km and Half Marathon,   wellbeing in the workplace and at a   THE MANDERSON HOUSE
                                            CHARITY COMMITTEE
 to get active and see if you could win a   5th September 2021    company-wide level
 fantastic individual prize or a prize for our   Cheltenham Half Marathon & 10k 2021   • You can also find a list of different
 Division. We have set up a fundraising   - Running in Cheltenham Racecourse,   training courses offered by Mind on
 page so let’s get together, get active   Evesham Rd, Cheltenham GL50 4SH, UK   their Workplace webpage
 and raise some funds for Mind.    - Let’s Do This (
          A personal note from our Community    Hargreaves  Clare Murphy-   Beswick
          Fundraiser, Katie Quick
          “Thank you for choosing to support Mind
          at such an important time. I wish you the
          best of luck with your fundraising efforts
          and if you have any further questions   Hannah   Jodi      Hannah
          please feel free forward to your charity   O’Brien  Courts  Gillman
          committee and I will be happy to help.”   For any charity questions or fundraising
          Any questions please email Manderson-  ideas come see any of us or Email
          Katie recently provided an overview of
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