Page 14 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 14

Growing Your Career at SHS        available for your role. The workshops
                                            have been specifically designed for
                                            people managers and employees.
                                                     Cluster Learning is giving
                                                     employees the opportunity
                           Growing                   to learn generic skills which
                           Your Career         Learning  are applicable to many
                           at SHS
                                            departments and functions. These core
                                            or key skills are transferable across
                                            many roles in the organisation.
          At SHS, we want to support you to grow
          the career that meets your needs. We       Leadership Essentials is a
          believe career paths should be flexible      suite of workshops designed
          and adaptable to meet the future needs      Leadership   to upskill and refresh people
          of our business and the strengths and      managers. The workshops
          aspirations of our employees. We    develop key leadership skills that all
          recognise the need to grow and develop   people managers need to exhibit to lead
          our people for the future and that has   with agility and deliver results through
          always been a priority for us.    their teams. This year’s Learning Framework
                                            is available on the Larder to download.
          If you missed the recent Growing Your
          Career at SHS webinar, it is available on                                                        Our Mental Wellbeing Campaign
          demand on the Larder.
                                                                                                           We are continuing    mental wellbeing and below is a reminder
                                                                                                           to raise awareness   of what available to you. Please do take
          Learning & Development                                                                            and keep the mental   the time to review and engage with the
          Career planning and development should                                                            wellbeing conversation  resources and use ideas & strategies
          go hand in hand. The company offers many                                                          alive by focusing on   that work best for you.
          learning & development opportunities                                                              key topics through
          to help employees build capability to                                                             monthly webinars,   As society starts to open up fully our
          develop their skills for current and future   In addition, our SHS Online Academy                 toolkits and online   September focus will be centred around
          roles. The 2021 Learning Framework   provides a wealth of courses that can be                     resources as part of   ‘Adapting to Changing Situations’.  Award
          provides an array of development options.  taken at a time that suits you. Do take the            our ongoing mental   winning and best-selling author, presenter
          Please refer to the course overview   time to browse the directory on the Larder                  wellbeing campaign.  and International consultant Liggy Webb
          information to see what courses are   and follow the booking procedure.                                               will facilitate a webinar on coping with
                                                                                             Periods of change and uncertainty can   changes and challenges on Wednesday
                               2021 Learning Framework                                       have a big impact on our overall well-  1st September at 10am. Further details on
                                                                                             being and through our mental wellbeing   how to register will be circulated shortly.
                                                Excellence                                   campaign we have encouraged a support  Throughout the month there
                                               inspire             STRATEGIC
                                                                   Leadership Programme
                                              Inspire Supply  Advance Line Leader  Strategic    culture through awareness sessions,   will also be a number of
                Introduction  Learning  Leadership   Chain Leadership   Development  Programme  implementing a wider network of mental  resources and toolkits
                                                                                             health first aiders, signposting to support   be available to
                         Belief in our Vision    Leading a       Knowing myself
                Getting Started  & Values   Hybrid Team  Your Leadership Role  Team Dynamics  and my Team
               Personal Induction   Developing Mental   The 4 Ps - Performance   Setting Strategy   services and hints & techniques to   support you.
                 Plan    Toughness & Re-  Management  Organising The Team  Taking Control   & Vision
               Group Engagement   Personal Planning &   Effective Planning   Performance    Project Management  Effective Leadership  improve your mental wellbeing.
                                   & Prioritisation for
                  Day     Prioritisation  Leaders  Management 1
                SHS Values &   Presenting with    Project Management   Performance    Leadership Skills  Delivering Effective
                                    for non-Project
                Behaviours  Confidence  Managers  Management 2     Change                    We have a wealth of information and
                Introduction to   Building Confidence
               Health & Safety in   & Assertiveness   Hiring the Best Talent -   Policies & Procedures  Culture & Change  Building Relationships
                the Workplace  at Work  Recruiting Remotely       & Influencing              resources available to support your
                DSE Awareness     Functional Skills  Conducting Effective   Communicating For   Managing the 4Ps  Creating a Coaching
                 Training           Investigations  Impact         Culture
               Our People Policies  Handling Disciplinary   Getting the Best   Presentation Skills
                                    & Grievance
                                              from the Team
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