Page 10 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 10

Meanwhile in the Lidl   on the block for Pot Noodle. Perfectly
                        estate we introduced   placed to drive incremental growth for        Commercial Operations
                        customers to our Zip   our customers. Cook Less Live More!
                        branded Odourless                                                    Update
                      Firelighter FSDUs in
                April. The team has also been
             busy rolling out a bespoke Zip branded
          charcoal FSDU in the independent garden                                            Over the course of Q2, the Commercial
          centre and hardware channel which will                                             Operations team has undergone a
          help grow distribution and drive sales in                                          great deal of transformation.
          this important sector, whilst                                                      The team has undergone a number
          in Costco & WHSmith brand                                                          of people movements, with Chris
          new Zip charcoal listings                                                          Whelan Smith departing the business;
          have also been secured.                                                            Thomas Brewer transitioning into a
                                                                                             Commercial role with the Mars team;

                                                                                                                                and Meg Ellott & Emma Green joining
                                                                                                                                the Demand team. In addition to
                                            We have all enjoyed more ‘Big Nights                                                that, Jessica Patel will be joining the
                                            In’ over recent months and Unilever has                                             Demand team in July.
                                            made these easier for everyone with                                                 Michael Hutton has deservedly
                                            a range of easy recipe mixes with our                 Thomas            Emma        been promoted to Supply Team
                                            favourite dishes. It’s even quicker than               Brewer           Green       Leader following his hard work and
                                            Deliveroo!                                                                          dedication to getting the IBP supply
                                                                                                                                tool up and running.
                                                                                                                                With so much change, there has been
          Plans are now well underway for the                                                                                   time to realign some structures and
          crucial Autumn/Winter season and we’ll                                                                                responsibilities to help us streamline
          be back with a further update in the                                                                                  our functions for the future, now with
          next edition.                                                                                     Meg                 a better understanding of the role
                                                                                                            Ellott              IBP plays in our day to day activities.
                      Unilever Update                                                                                           Fresh challenges await us in the
                                                                                                                                second half of the year and with a full
                      Unilever has always                                                                                       complement of talented people ready
                      activated very strongly   In a very unpredictable market place, a                                         to take on these challenges.
                      during ‘Autumn Fill’   standout performance for our team has
                      whilst balancing the   been Bestway and Dave Thomas. Unilever
          importance and opportunity of the    via SHS is the only Top 10 supplier that is                                      Supply Planning
          sizzling summer during the late summer   enjoying growth Vs 2020. Well done Dave -                                    The go live of the IBP Supply tool
          months. The product perfectly placed   not easy but well deserved and recognised         Jessica         Michael      in the GB Agency business was the
          to fill and sizzle is Piri-Piri - the new kid   by the Brand Owner as ‘brilliant’.       Patel            Hutton      highlight of the quarter, with several

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