Page 8 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 8

Household & Healthcare Update     • •  FHP - Despite ongoing supply issues
                                              sales remain ahead of budget driven
          Highlights                          by gloves at +19%
          • •  RB Household - Harpic Powerplus   • •  BDF - Strong sales across Shower,
            replaces Domestos in 330 BP sites.   Deodorant & new listings on Nivea Sun
            Secured gondola end features across   across Shell, Esso & M&S continue to
            the Shoprite Estate on Dettol &   support a strong sale performance
            Finish in May.                    YTD. Nivea Men’s Deodorant
                                              replaced the Category No. 1 in BP
                                              across 330 stores..

                                            Areas of Focus                                   Standard Brands                                   For the first time
                                                                                                                                               ever this summer, we
                                            • •  RB Household - Implement changes                                                              will be advertising
                                              to Mr. Sheen & Harpic packs & secure           Summer Activity                                   on TikTok with a
                                              5-star launch across the Airwick,              Although the British weather is                   series of brand new
                                              Cillit Bang NPD.                               unpredictable, BBQ season is truly                recipe ideas that can
                                            • •  RB Healthcare - Maximise Gaviscon           upon us, with people embracing the                be created on the
                                              summer opportunities & lockdown                opportunity to spend time outdoors                BBQ. We will also be
                                              Winter Meds                                    with friends and family. To capitalise    driving engagement on Instagram and
                                              Plans across all                                   on this we have lots of activity   Facebook with recipe suggestions.
                                              customers.                                         scheduled to highlight our Zip
                                                                                                  in-market offering.
                                            • •  GSK - Drive Piritize                                                           Extending distribution
                                              Allergy sales                                        This summer we have teamed up   As our relationship with Tesco-Booker
                                              through Summer                                       with funny man Keith Lemon to   strengthens we have extended
                                              and lockdown                                         create a series of radio adverts   distribution of the Zip summer range
                                              Winter Meds                                         with scripts about Aunt Lillian’s   into 700 Tesco and Alliance (Esso) PFS
          • •  RB Healthcare - Despite Winter                                                     BBQ and how some men seem     sites this summer. We have also secured
            Med sales being 80% down a huge   • •  FHP - Communicate and implement                to turn into cavemen at the mere   agreement to launch the Zip winter
            effort across the team to drive sales   new promo plan ready for Sept                  mention of starting a fire.  range into PFS sites later in the year,
            across the wider portfolio has been   implementation & manage stock                The ads aired on Heart FM and XFM   including our first ever Zip Waterproof
            achieved, securing over 30 new sku   availability.                               London during April & May and, to   Block product (more to follow in the
            listings and gaining upweighted   • •  BDF - Drive Sun & maximise Sept           support the radio advertising, we have   next edition of Newsbites).
            features to drive stock and sales out   plan & secure Nivea                      been running a money-off promotion
            to retailers and consumers.       Lip for winter.                                on the Zip BBQ range with the Shopmium
          • •  GSK - Designed, created, sold and                                             app. encouraging consumers to
            placed over 800 CDU’s in Forecourts to                                           purchase their Zip charcoal favourites
            maximise on the Allergy Opportunity                                              and benefit from a £1 saving. The
            which was featured on the GSK                                                    shopmium activity runs throughout
            facebook page. Corsodyl listing in 300+                                          June and early July and is supported
            Iceland stores. 15 more customers                                                instore with our Zip branded Forest
            now buying ex-Pfizer lines through                                               Friendly pallet displays in Tesco and
            SHS than in Q1.                                                                  FSDUs in M&S foodstores.

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