Page 6 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 6

Private Label Update              Areas of Focus                                                                      on the core lines and increasing sales
                                            • •  Drive NPD opportunities within Spar,                                           of the take home pack.
                                              Lidl and Morrison’s for our existing
                                              product range.
                                            • •  Increased distribution of our existing
                                              ranges within retailers where we can
                                              influence this.                                We are having great results across
                                            • •  Work with Aldi on reducing sales            our spreads, milk drinks and ice cream
                                              decline and drive increased volume             categories.                        Spreads have been supported by some
          Highlights                          in UK and ROI.                                                                    new wigig volumes with discounter
          • •  Launched the full range of Farmlea   • •  Continue to push our exciting NPD                                      retailers and more of this to come in
            SKU’s - Condensed Milk, Evaporated   within the ‘Vegan’ category to new                                             the second half of the year.
            Milk, Rice pudding and Custard into   and existing customers. Key for us
            Ocado; our first new listing with them   to move into some new, emerging                                            Ice cream
            since the end of their partnership   categories and provide vegan                                                   Despite issues with supply, the Mars
            with Waitrose.                    alternatives to our current dairy                                                 ice cream range continues to perform
                                              based offer                                    Specialist sports                  in every channel and out- perform the
                                            • •  Ensuring we are prepared for new            NPD developed for both our whole sale   competition. A big shout out to
                                                                                                                                customer services, the 3PL and
                                              Brexit regulations that are required           and retail customers has been driving   demand planning teams in dealing
                                              from October, checking that our                distribution gains significantly ahead   with this. We are going to have yet
                                              suppliers are compliant and ready for          of expectation. Add in a direct to the   another record year!
                                              new processes required and that we             consumer business with Amazon and
                                              meet the new process requirements              the result is we are looking to double   So, what does that all add up to?....
                                                                                             the 2020 performance to £7m in 2021
                                              of our customers.                                                                 Some great firsts!
                                                                                             and have already exceeded budget.  First ever Walmart listing in Canada
          • •  Secured a trial of Farmlea Rice   Mars Update
            and Custard within Farmfoods at 4
            depots from June. If successful there   The first half of the year has seen the
            is potential for a permanent listing /   best sales results for the BU in the 13th
            discussion around private label.  year of managing Mars.
          • •  Secured increased distribution on   In fact, June has seen the highest
            Honest Value Rice and Custard in   ever sales of near £6m… our                   Two current highlights are the new
            Co-op which will see the removal   best ever month!!                             M&M powders and the export work
            of mid-tier comparable products in   AND this is the                             which amongst other achievements   Best ever June for Mars
            favour of our Honest Value SKU.                                                  includes a listing in Walmart Canada!
                                            culmination of                                                                      The best ever half year performance
                                            our best ever                                                                       with double-digit growth!
                                            half Year ............                           Milk drinks and spreads
                                                                                             We are ahead of budget as shopping   Focus for the rest of the year shifts
                                            So, what has                                     patterns slowly return to normal. We   to building 2022 plans and selling in
                                            been driving                                     have had our strongest ever period for   next year’s NPD so we can continue
                                            this success?                                    2021 in ICC driven by a renewed focus   with momentum……..

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