Page 4 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 4

Trading Update                                                                                                                      which include Betty
                                                                                                                                              Crocker’s MacMillan
                                                                                                                                              Coffee Mornings and
                                                                                                                                              Halloween On Packs.
          Grocery & Confectionery Update                                                                                                      Old El Paso FSDU
                                                                                                                                              activation focusing on
          Burton’s Biscuits                                                                                                                   ‘Meal For Tonight’ meal
          Over the past 12 months, we have been                                                                                 solutions and of course capitalising on
          working with Burton’s to ensure the                                                                                   the ‘Back to School’ opportunity across
          pack formats and case sizes we put                                                                                    all major brands. One of our best in
          into the Cash & Carry, and therefore    With ‘Back-to-school’ just around the                                         class examples will showcase our link
          independent retail channel are fit for   corner and lunchboxes in need of a                                           with PG Tips and Betty Crocker to drive
          purpose, and also allow for the products   sweet but permissible treat, we are                                        impulsive & incremental opportunities
          to be competitive against similar    also listing Maryland Minis & Jammie                                             for not only our Brand Owner but for
          competitor SKUs. The aim has been to   Dodgers Minis, which at less than 100                                          our wholesale & retail customers alike.
          get all cases on shelf in Cash & Carry at   calories per serving are ideal.
          a price point less than £10 per case at                                                                               Terry's Update
          all times.                                 General Mill’s Update                                                      Results from Easter indicate Terry’s
          We have seen Maryland Cookies PMP          As we enter the summer                                                     experiencing impressive growth for the
          move from a case size of 16 to 12;         periods, we head into some              distribution within the wholesale arm of   season. A combination of bringing ‘new
          Maryland Big & Chunky PMP moving           of our key power period’s               our business around chilled, Covid seen   news’ to the category through innovation
          from 12’s to 8’s. The next SKU to benefit   Nature Valley’s ‘Get Outdoors’         a 50% drop in distribution across General   and a successful media campaign led to
          from this case size rework is Jammie   & Old El Paso BBQ ‘Make Some Noise’         Mills core wholesale business before   Terry’s Chocolate Orange being the 3rd
          Dodgers PMP, which will move from an   campaigns. The sales team have been         SHS onboarding, a strategically important   fastest growing brand over Easter 2021.
          18 count to 15 units in the case; and this   busy securing off shelf activation across   and high value brand to General Mills.
          will be happening in July/August.  our key retail & wholesale customers as         We kickstarted with our ‘buy X get X FOC’   The team is working hard to maintain
                                                                                                                                this great momentum and are putting a
                                            well as supporting our key customers in          promotional feature within Bestway, soon
          The biscuit category is a category   the way of Category & Ranging advice          to be followed by SPAR RDC’s. Again,   lot of effort into building on this great
          where innovation and range refresh   to support our No.1 growth ambition to        another great example of how we    foundation through securing space for
          help to drive interest; and the Burton’s   ‘Drive the Core’.                       have really showcased that we can ‘do   exciting new Easter 2022 products.
          portfolio is no exception. In the next                                             things differently’ and how we leverage   There is a huge focus within the team on
          couple of months, we will be adding   We also have a heavy emphasis during         our great relationships with customers   landing the impressive Christmas 2021
          Jammie Dodgers Cherry Burst & Wagon   this period to embed and drive our           to gain additional feature & distribution   plans that have been very positively
          Wheels Orange to our range as WIGIGs;                                              in turn, we look forward to seeing those   received by the trade. Our Christmas
          both flavours are ‘on trend’ therefore                                             distribution numbers turn around!   range should be on shelves from early
          attracting lovers of these fruit flavours                                                                             Autumn.
          into the biscuit category.                                                         Looking ahead & activation
                                                                                             coming up…
                                                                                             Over the coming months, we head into
                                                                                             preparation around some of our biggest
                                                                                             trading periods of the fiscal year. The focus
                                                                                             will continue to be around key power
                                                                                             periods on our key brands and features

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