Page 1 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 1

John’s Overview

                              Welcome to the Summer edition of Newsbites.

                                                            Well here we are
                                                            in the second half
                                                            of 2021. Like me
                                                            you’ve probably
                                                            been wondering
                                                            where on earth the
                                                            last 6 months have
                                                            gone, or indeed
                                                            how is it possible
                                                            that we have been
                              dealing with these strange working conditions for nearly
                              16 months now but let’s focus on a couple of pieces of
                              good news. Firstly, there genuinely does seem to be
                              some light at the end of the tunnel, with all restrictions
                              having been lifted in England, with the hope of a return
                              to more normal working practices as part of our Agile
                              Working approach later in the summer. Secondly, thanks
                              to the efforts of every single one of you, as well as
                              those who support us within Belfast and across the
                              Group, we’ve continued to deliver some excellent
                              commercial results, with H1 2021 revenue and profit
                              numbers significantly ahead of budget and broadly in
                              line with those of 2020, despite the absence this time
                              around of the huge increases we saw in March last
                              year when the pandemic began. We’ve also continued
                              to reduce working capital levels within our business,

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