Page 3 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 3

John’s Overview  Mission & Philosophy Launch

 so critical to an agency business like   to strengthen and grow SHS GB over   We recently launched our new Mission and Philosophy statements across
 ours, whilst satisfying and exceeding   the coming years, with everyone    the Group with a range of communications, competitions and giveaways.
 the needs of our customers and brand  clear on their individual role on this
 owners alike (remember they always   journey. This, plus the likely return to   Our Mission
 have a choice!). Great job everyone,   more normal demand patterns and   Our new Mission statement reflects our uniqueness.
 thank you!    inevitable bumps in the road, such    It highlights that we are a deliberately diverse
 as the currently high-profile driver   family of companies that share inspiration from
 Whilst our results are in themselves   shortages, will doubtless make for   multiple categories and channels. By supporting
 enough to be proud of, the fact that   each other we remain strong, flexible, and better
 we’ve delivered them utilising our new   a busy and demanding 6 months.   able to compete in challenging times. We pursue initiatives that help us thrive in our
 planning tool means, we have also   However, the resilience and flexibility   markets, whilst maintaining a caring, personal culture that offers great growth and
 you’ve demonstrated throughout the
 taken a big step towards the future   Covid period, as well as your natural   development opportunities. We’re driven, committed and have a long-term strategy
 and becoming the type of business we   for creating a sustainable business that will secure the future of generations to come.
 both aspire and will need to be in the   capabilities, will stand us in great
 coming years. Inevitably there have   stead as we face into these challenges   Our Mission
 and I have no doubt you will continue
 been some teething problems which   to grow and develop to deliver and   We are a deliberately diverse family of ambitious companies, passionate about
 we are seeking to address through   growing businesses for generations.
 the Changing Gears programme, but   beat our targets & objectives.
 I’ve been so impressed with the   Enjoy the summer, stay safe and I look   Our Philosophy
 commitment and curiosity of everyone  forward to seeing many of you in the   We introduced a Philosophy statement to explain our purpose -   Kind Hearts
 as we’ve started to work in a new more  office very   what drives us and ultimately what makes us special.   Fierce Minds
 structured way with more effective   soon.                      Brave Spirit
 cross-departmental collaboration.   John  Kind Hearts - we care about our community and look out
 Genuinely Stronger Together!   for each other.

 Thoughts about the future will also play   Fierce Minds - we are curious, we seek out and take advantage of new
 a key role in the second half of 2021   opportunities and champion bold ideas.
 as we launch our Vision 25 Strategy,
 as part of the work being undertaken   Brave Spirit - we are proud of our grit, competitiveness, and our capacity
 across the Group, setting the course   to challenge the norm.
 for our business and how we intend

                                 Our Philosophy
            Our community makes us strong; We look out for each other, encourage bold ideas
                    and take smart risks to create stability and opportunity for all.

                  We hope you all received your scratch
                  cards and congratulations to all of the lucky
                  winners; we hope you enjoy your prizes   and friends and look forward to BBQs, picnics
                                                         As we enjoy the summer months with family
                      with your family & friends over the   in the park, staycations and connecting with    Congratulations!
                                                         nature, we trust that our Group giveaway will
                                                                       Brave Spirit
                                                         help you to enjoy these special moments.
                                                         We rely on YOUR Kind Hearts, Fierce Minds
                       summer period.                    & Brave Spirits so take a well-earned rest    To claim your prize please email Group Communications –
                                                           and Good Luck!
                                                                      You have won
                                                          Simply scratch the section overleaf to
                                                                     a Bluetooth Mini Speaker
                                                          see if you are one of our lucky winners.
                                                                        Fierce Minds
                                                           Please remember to recycle paper after use.  Brave Spirit
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