Page 13 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 13

brand owners now fully immersed   expertise starting to build across the
 in the new system from end to end.   business there are some intellectual   WE TAKE CARE OF OUR:
 This was a success story for SHS in a   talking points around demand    PEOPLE | By encouraging them to be the best they can be
 broad sense, not just in GB Agency,   management and system interactions
 with our Supply team operating as the   that we’re starting to encounter – a
 vanguard for successfully introducing   sure sign that the shift from adoption   Building Resilience in Times of Uncertainty
 IBP Supply in the business.  to proficiency is underway!
 With JDR, Standard Brands, Private   Going through a crisis, whether that be at   the pandemic or in previous times of
 Label and Unilever already live,    SPIRIT Value - Stronger Together    a global or individual level, can of course   dramatic change and upheaval?
 there are imminent plans for Mars,   What has been most evident recently   affect an individual’s adaptability and   •  It’s quite common to feel responsible
 Twining’s, Cloetta, and GSK to follow.  is robust collaboration. We have seen   flexibility in the face of adversity & stress   for things going wrong, even when
 As with any new system, it has had   this most through our Back to Basics   and it is important to acknowledge this.  events are happening on a much wider
                                              scale. This can have a damaging effect
 some technical challenges to resolve   sessions, which are now in the third   The GB leadership team understand the   on your optimism and ability to support
 early on, but the team have worked   cycle since reintroducing them after   importance that your resilience plays both   others. So be strict with yourself - make
 tirelessly to resolve any issues. In   IBP go-live. Within this structure we   during a pandemic but also with everyday   sure you’re not feeling to blame for
 parallel, the Supply team have    have been able to conduct thorough   changes in the workplace. This is why   things that can’t possibly be your fault.
 continued to maintain offline planning   health checks on key areas, which   we engaged 'We Are Being' to run the   •  Realistic optimism is a powerful tool to
 tools and keep working capital, aged   has helped to maintain performance   ‘Fit for the Future’ resilience and change   remain pragmatic and positive, whilst
 stock and SKU count metrics in check.   through ongoing shifts in patterns   workshop; to give you some helpful tips   appreciating what we may find tough.
 This has shown incredible depth of   of trade due to   and tricks at times when you may feel you   This kind of optimism requires a growth
 individual ability and dedication, to   Covid, Brexit and   need it. Keep your books to hand!   mindset, believing that improvement
 take on such a large project in a short   our own internal      is possible and having strategies and
 window and yet maintain key business   system changes.   Here are some tips for helping recover your   actions to enable things to work out.
 measures.   Moving forward,   resilience in times of change & uncertainty:  •  When we initially experience adversity
 focus will remain on product mix and   •  Consider the impact of the pandemic   and periods of intense stress, it feels
 reduction of +90 days stock.  on your own life and work situation.   like being stuck in a storm without an
 Demand Planning
 With several staff movements, the   Partnering with every business unit,   Where did you feel the stretch most at   umbrella. However, as we go through
                                              the experience, we begin to realise
           first and how do you feel about it now?
 Demand team have had role transitions   the Commercial Operations team    What have you done to adjust, and   there are aspects of the situation we
 and handovers as a necessary focal   has continued to support trade   what benefits for the future can you   can control and accept those we can’t.
 area. Even with this evolution, the   in account reviews, business unit   see in how this is all playing out?  Control the Controllable.
 team has continued to partner with   reviews, brand owner meetings and   •  What do you observe about our   •  If you need any support, please speak
 sales and commercial to embed the   in Gazelle update meetings. There are   changed ways of working, and how   to your line manager
 IBP cycle across the business. We   clear indications that when the teams   others have responded? What lessons   or Becky
 have seen tangible improvements   across SHS interact with each other,   can you learn from individuals who   Brough
 to forecasting over the period, with   we get better results, and hence we   have adapted well?  your
 accuracy measures now leading to   are Stronger Together.    •  What have you learned about yourself   HRBP.
 cyclical forecast amendments. The   that you didn't know before, through
 spirit of collaboration with accounts   S  P  I  R  I  T
 teams and supply planning has
 been evident in so many ways. With   Stronger Together  Integrity.   Responsibility.  Initiative.   Teamwork.
 We show
 We welcome
 We do the
 We collaborate
 We are all
 We achieve more  accountable for   honesty and   right thing by   creative ways to  enthusiastically,
 when we think   delivering our   humility in our   our people,   add value and   respect each
 and act as one  best results  relationships  brands, business  make things   other and
 partners and   happen  celebrate
 community   success
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