Page 16 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
P. 16
Sustainability Update
PLANET | By being responsible for our environment and
acting sustainably There are lots of ways we can make
sustainable improvements in our home
and garden including:
1. Unplugging
electrical items not
in use - some items
still use electric
when on standby.
They can add up to
Sustainability Update 10% of your energy bill. By switching off 6. Compost your newspapers, food
you can help the environment and save scraps, grass trimmings and organic
Now, more than ever, we recognise how challenges before outlining what waste. Compost will in turn increase the
important sustainability is to us all. At SHS sustainability means to them. If you haven’t 2. Don’t use gaming consoles to stream soils water retention. It’s a win-win!
we are committed to doing our part and had a chance to listen to the podcast, please movies. They use almost 50 times more 7. Use reusable shopping bags; the
making a difference. We want to be the take the time and forward feedback to your power than streaming consoles. average plastic bag takes 500 years to
most sustainable business that we can be. Planet Forum representative Tony Bellian. break down in landfill.
3. Use a bowl in
Planet Champions the sink when 8. Buy products with a fair-trade
We are still looking for Planet Champions washing fruit and logo - that way you know the
ENERGY WATER SUSTAINABLE across the GB Division. Champions will vegetables instead farmer has been paid a fair price.
get involved in specific projects within of running the tap.
the Division and raise awareness and The leftover water 9. Try your hand at gardening.
engagement of sustainability across our can then be used to water plants. Growing your own fruit, vegetables and
herbs can save you money and cuts down
WASTE PACKAGING business. If you are passionate about this 4. Water plants in the morning or on single use packaging.
area and interested in becoming your evening to prevent the water evaporating
Divisional Sustainability Action Plan Planet Champion, please get in touch with immediately. 10. Get a digital
We are currently in the process of finalising a Planet Forum representative. subscription to a
our Divisional action plan against the 5. Donate old magazine or newspaper
five Group wide priorities: Energy, Waste, What’s Next? clothes to charity instead of buying a
Packaging, Water and Sustainable Sourcing. We are in the process of developing a shops, or old hard copy.
Once complete, we will share the plan new sustainability awareness programme towels and sheets
so that everyone can play their part in which will launch soon. It will outline our to animal shelters.
meeting our Divisional objectives. sustainability commitments and explain
how goals can be achieved together.
Planet Podcast
To mark World Environment We will also be creating new initiatives for
Day, we introduced our you to learn more and get involved. The
first ever Planet Podcast. sustainability sections of the Larder will
Planet Forum members be updated with information and useful
discussed their Divisional facts. Please do take the time to review
plans and the associated this section on a regular basis.
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