Page 20 - Newsbites (Summer 21)
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USECURE Cyber Security Awareness
Training programme as soon as
IS Update possible.
HOW You Can protect the Business
from a cyber security breach
Cyber Security 1. Weak and Stolen Credentials
User Awareness Passwords
Recent statistics show that four out
of five breaches classified as a “hack” number on the end of it. Never write
were caused by weak or lost (stolen) passwords down or record them
passwords. where they could be used by others.
Cyber security awareness is the combination of Simple Solution: Use complex passwords
both knowing and doing something to protect a and never share passwords. 2. Back Doors, Application
business’s information assets. When everyone is SHS Approach: SHS enforce the Microsoft Vulnerabilities
cyber security aware, it means they understand complex password algorithm for Hackers love to exploit poorly written
what cyber threats are, the potential impact a internal accounts. We also supplement software applications or poorly
cyber-attack will have on their business and this to protect all remote access with designed network systems. If there is
the steps required to reduce risk and prevent SecurEnvoy access codes. a hole in the system, they will use it to
cyber-crime infiltrating their online workspace. get directly at your data.
Learning: Choose passwords that are
Recent analysis has been carried difficult to guess. Never use the word Simple Solution: Keep all software and
out to address the question: “Is the 2. System and “password”, or common words such hardware solutions fully patched and
current level of Cyber Breach success Application as the seasons of the year, football up to date.
due to increased levels of technical vulnerabilities teams or names associated with you or
sophistication?” The answer, your family. Do not reuse a password SHS Approach: SHS IS distribute
surprisingly, is NO! every month and simply change the regular software updates to servers,
PCs and laptops.
Cyber Security Breaches are becoming 3. Malware Learning: If you receive a request or
increasingly frequent and the scale of pop-up requesting an update, do
loss and disruption to organisations not cancel it. If in doubt, verify the
on a worldwide basis is significant. legitimacy of the update with the
Recent analysis of cyber security Service Desk.
breaches by insurance companies 4. Social
revealed the four most common Engineering
causes were: 3. Malware
Malware is malicious software:
1. Weak or stolen With three of these causes connected software loaded without intention
credentials to user behaviour, vigilance is that opens up access for a hacker to
Passwords extremely important which is why exploit a system and potentially other
everyone needs to complete our connected systems.
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