Page 71 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 71
Dechencholing Higher Secondary School
Non-Academic Educational Programs
Non-Academic educational programs are generally conducted as Inter House and Class
Competitions. In case of Inter House Competitions, each of the following activities will
be awarded separate house positions:
Games & Sports
House position for games will be based on the total points from each of the event in
games conducted during the year on the following point system of 2 for win, 1 each for
the draw and 0 for the loss.
NB:There will be practice session before commencement of actual events (Games &
Cultural Activities
House position will be based on each of the cultural competitions conducted during the
year scaled at 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 per item.
Flower garden: House position will be based on the number of assessments conducted
during the year scaled at 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1.
Literary Activities
These are Inter class activities. The points will be based on the criteria set by the
SUPW is an important school activity incorporated in our curriculum to:
• Instill work values and positive attitudes towards work in students.
• Promote and create an attitude of being helpful to others and to develop practical
skills which will be of use to the students later in their lives.
• Create awareness of social, personal, and environmental issues.
• Develop team spirit and cooperation.
The award of grades for the SUPW will be based on the criteria as provided in the table
inserted on page 111
SUPW Supervisors/Class teachers will award grade ranging from “A” to “E”. Grade
“E” being poor, disqualifies a student from getting pass certificate in the BCSE/BHSEC
©School Diary, DHSS 2023 སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ 70