Page 72 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 72

Dechencholing Higher Secondary School

           Key Stage        Should pass in             Remarks
                                              Assessment done through CFA.
                                              Having to pass in ICT will be
                     Dzongkha, English,
          I (PP-III)                          subject to readiness of ICT
                      Mathematics and ICT
                                              infrastructure and resources in all
                                              Having to pass in ICT will be
                     Dzongkha, English, Mathemat-
          II (IV-VI)  ics plus one subjects among   subject to readiness of ICT
                                              infrastructure and resources in all
                     ICT, Science and Social Studies
                     Dzongkha, English, Mathemat-  Having to pass in ICT will be
          III (VII   ics plus any two subjects among  subject to readiness of ICT
          -VIII)     ICT, Science, History and   infrastructure and resources in all
                     Geography                schools.
                                              Optional subjects are Economics,
                                              Environmental Science, Commer-
                                              cial Studies, AgFS & TVET
                                              Having to pass in ICT will be
                                              subject to readiness of ICT
                                              infrastructure and resources in all
                                              Science - Physics, Chemistry and
                                              Biology combined to form one
                     Dzongkha, English, plus any   HCG – History, Civics and
                     three among ICT, Mathematics,
          IV (IX- X)                          Geography combined to form one
                     Science, History & Geography
                     or optional subject opted  subject.
                                              Mark sheet to reflect individual
                                              marks for three science subjects
                                              and History & Geography along
                                              with the average marks.
                                              The mark sheet will reflect the
                                              both CA and written examination
                                              marks (To be integrated into
                                              BCSEA’s new Result Processing
                                              System (RPS) and implementable
                                              from 2022).

          ©School Diary, DHSS 2023            སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ  71
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