Page 73 - Dechencholing HSS Diary 2023
P. 73

Dechencholing Higher Secondary School

                     Science:                 If students fail in Physics and
                     1.     5 Subjects – Dzongkha,   Chemistry, options for further
                     English and plus any two   studies in the field of science will
                     (among Physics, Chemistry, Bi-  be limited.
                     ology or Mathematics or other   Optional Subjects: Environmental
                     optional subjects)       Science & AgFS and TVET
                     2.     6 Subjects - Dzongkha,   ICT will be made mandatory for
                     English plus any two (among   students to pass once the ICT
                     Physics, Chemistry, Biology   infrastructure and resources are
                     and Mathematics)         ready.

                     5 Subjects - Dzongkha and Eng-
                     lish plus any other two subjects
                     (among Business Mathemat-
                     ics, Economics, Accountancy,
                     Business and Entrepreneurship,   ICT will be made mandatory for
                     AgFS and TVET)
                     6 Subjects - Dzongkha and Eng-  students to pass once the ICT
                     lish plus any other two subjects   infrastructure and resources are
          V (XI-XII)  (among Business Mathemat-
                     ics, Economics, Accountancy,
                     Business and Entrepreneurship,
                     AgFS and

                     5 Subjects: Dzongkha and Eng-
                     lish plus any other two subjects
                     Business Mathematics, History,
                     Geography, Economics, AgFS,
                     Media Studies, Rigzhung, Envi-  ICT will be made mandatory for
                     ronmental Science and TVET  students to pass once the ICT
                     6 Subjects: Dzongkha and Eng-  infrastructure and resources are
                     lish plus any other two subjects
                     Business Mathematics, History,   ready.
                     Geography, Economics, AgFS,
                     Media Studies, Rigzhung, Envi-
                     ronmental Science
                     and TVET

          ©School Diary, DHSS 2023            སློབ་གྲྭའི་ཉིན་དེབ། སྤྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༣ ཅན་མ  72
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