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PRE-CALCULUS Year 5 credits GRADES 11-12
Prerequisite: Placement in Pre-Calculus requires that students have demonstrated
completion of Algebra I and Algebra IIA with an 80% average or higher completion of
Geometry A with an 80% average or higher.
Pre-Calculus is an advanced course designed to prepare students for calculus and other higher-level math
courses. Expanding on the foundational understanding of Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II, the Pre-Calculus
course delves deeper into the concepts of polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions.
Students will also study trigonometric relationships and their graphical representations, vectors, and conic
sections. In this course, students will discover that all functions and their transformations can be
comprehended through various perspectives, including graphical, numerical, analytical, and verbal
representations. These multiple viewpoints unveil distinct characteristics useful for problem-solving in
mathematical and real-world applications.
Prerequisite: Placement in Advanced Placement Pre-Calculus requires that students have
demonstrated completion of Algebra 2 Honors with an 80% average or higher.
Advanced Placement Pre-Calculus is designed to be more challenging compared to the Pre-Calculus course
described above, as it is expected to be more demanding in terms of the depth and breadth of material studied.
Throughout this course, students develop and hone symbolic manipulation skills needed for future
mathematics courses. Students learn that functions and their compositions, inverses, and transformations are
understood through graphical, numerical, verbal, and analytical representations, which reveal different
attributes of the functions and are useful for solving problems in mathematical and applied contexts. In turn, the
skills learned in this course are widely applicable in various future courses that involve quantitative reasoning.
CALCULUS Year 5 credits GRADE 12
*Possible Dual Credit Opportunity - see pages 30-31
Prerequisite: Placement in Calculus requires that students have demonstrated completion of Algebra I,
Geometry A, Algebra II A and Pre-Calculus with an 80% average or higher or Geometry Honors,
Algebra II Honors, and Advanced Placement Pre-Calculus with a 75% average or higher.”
Continuing the study of collegial mathematics at the high school level, Calculus students will explore limits and
their properties, differentiation, applications of differentiation, integration, logarithmic, exponential, and other
transcendental functions, applications of integration, integration techniques, L’Hopital’s Rule, and Improper
CALCULUS AB Year 5 credits GRADE 12
*Possible Dual Credit Opportunity - see pages 30-31
Prerequisite: Placement in Advanced Placement Calculus AB requires that students have
demonstrated completion of Advanced Placement Precalculus with an 80% average or higher.”
Advanced Placement Calculus AB course is a special college-level experience. It is designed to be more
challenging compared to the Calculus course described above as it is expected to be more demanding in
terms of the depth and breadth of material studied. This course will take more time, require more work, and is
paced appropriately for students to be successful on the AP Exam. It is equivalent to a first semester college
Calculus I course as it follows the topics established by the College Board.
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