Page 2 - MTC_May-01_English
P. 2
cause of
Excerpt from an article of Prabhupada
Mahisasura, the most powerful demon, who was
personification of evil forces, was in fact endowed with
intelligence, education, wealth, ability to perform severe
penances and attract large followings, and so on. His
present-day followers, possessing identical qualifications,
are no less enterprising and expert in exploiting the divine
energy. They carry out elaborate scientific research,
misspending huge amounts of money, time, energy,
intelligence, men, and so on.
But instead of bringing peace and joy, what they discover
through these researches ends up producing untold misery
for humanity. This is a perfect example of daivi maya’s throwing
agency in action. All these evil activities bring great losses
to human society. As a result of this evil, mundane scientists