Page 5 - MTC_May-01_English
P. 5

patient, one has to properly judge this accepting and rejecting
        principle. So, in order to cure demoniac mentality in human
        society,  which  causes  the  “Ravana syndrome”  of  trying  to

        steal  Sita-devi,  it  is  essential  that  the  demoniac  nature  be

        For any treatment, two important factors are that the patient
        be in clean surroundings and that his medicine and food be
        administered punctually. Similarly, to transform the demoniac

        mentality, people have to be clean, disciplined and truthful.
        This end is not served by advocating the theory of yata mat,
        tata path—that “there are as many ways to salvation as there
        are opinions”—for in this way one confuses and deceives the
        populace. By bringing the clean and unclean, the disciplined

        and undisciplined, the truthful and untruthful onto same level,
        one will find it impossible to cure or even treat any patient.

                                        * * *

                           father,  Rambha,  received
                           a  boon from the  sun-god

                          that  his  son could never
                           be defeated. By this boon
                           Mahisasura  gained sovereignty

                           over all. The demigods sought
         protection from Vishnu who informed  them
         that only a female could cause his defeat. The
         Lord appeared in a female form (called Devi)
         and killed the demon in a fierce battle.

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