Page 4 - MTC_May-01_English
P. 4

But now, in modern times, Ravana’s dynasty has multiplied
        into millions. This has given rise to many different opinions,
        which have made demons inimical toward one another. Thus,

        they are all competing tooth and nail, trying to kidnap goddess
        of fortune, Sita-devi. Each one is thinking, “I am most cunning,
        and so I will enjoy Sita-devi all by myself.” But like Ravana,

        all these demons, along with their entire families, are being
        destroyed. So many powerful leaders like Hitler have come,

        but enamored by illusion of enjoying and exploiting Supreme

        Lord’s energy and consort— Sita-devi —all of them have been,
        are being and will be thwarted and crushed in future. The root
        cause  of  aforementioned  lament—”In  the  dispensation  of
        providence, mankind cannot have any rest”—is this demoniac
        mentality of exploiting and enjoying Lord’s divine energy.

        The demons neither know when or where to renounce nor
        know when or where to accept or receive. When diagnosing a

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