Page 87 - تغذية الفئات الخاصة
P. 87


                                       ?ئية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية?

                               Table (8) Recommended Intak

Age           Body  Energy     Porotin1-2 Vitamin Vitamin T

              Weight )kcal( )MJ( (gm)  A 3-4  D

              (kg) )?g( )?g(


<1            7-3 850 3.4      14      300 10.0

1-3           13-4 1360 5.7    16      250 10.0

4-6           20-7 1830 7.6    20      300 10.0

7-9           28.1 2190 9.2    25      400 2.5



10-12         36.9 2600 10.9   30      575 2.5

13-15         51.3 2900 12.1   37      725 2.5

16-19         62.9 3070 12.8   38      750 2.5



10-12         38.0 2350 9.8    29      575 2.5

13-15         49.9 2490 10.4   31      725 2.5

16-19         54.4 2310 9.7    30      750 2.5

Adult men     65.0 3000 12.6   37      750 2.5

moderately (


Adult Women   53.   2000 9.2   29      750 2.5
moderately (


Pregnancy           +350 +1.5  38      750 10.0
)later half(

Lactation           +350 +2.5  46      1200   10.0

(first 6


*Energy and Protein Requirements. Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Group.
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