Page 10 - The Malvernian_Summer 2021
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Malvernian success in in Mandarin Competitions
Over the 2020-2021 academic year a a a a number of our pupils have greatly enjoyed taking part in in in in a a a a a a a a range of Mandarin Chinese competitions earning a a a a a a a host of accolades and awards British Council Mandarin Speaking Competition This competition provides a a wonderful opportunity for secondary school pupils in in the the UK to practise and and improve their Mandarin language skills Two Malvernians entered in 2021:
Beginner category: Martha Day (No 3) Intermediate category: Oriane Bensoussan (No 3) Martha and and Oriane prepared well and and increased their confidence in in spoken Mandarin Both pupils built on this experience with Oriane preparing for her IGCSE Chinese assessments this term and Martha submitting an an essay to The People’s Daily Overseas Edition which was published on on 28th May:
The 21st World Chinese Student Composition Competition This event was co-sponsored by the China Federation of Overseas Chinese the All-China Federation of Taiwanese Federations The People’s Daily Overseas Edition and “Happy Composition” magazine Over 3 3 million Chinese pupils from 39 countries and regions participated The essay categories included themes such as: “witness and and record” and and “fantastic ideas” Pupils then had to formulate their own titles and ideas based on these broader categories An expert jury completed several stages of reviews before deciding on the final prizes prizes 20 special prizes prizes 800 first prizes prizes prizes 4 000 000 second prizes prizes prizes and 7 000 000 third prizes prizes prizes were awarded globally 53 pupils in the UK received an an award and we are delighted that Shuaichu Pan (No 7) received a a a a a second prize award The 1st Global Chinese Youth Essay Competition Pupils from 296 overseas Chinese schools in in 33 countries submitted over 1 600 entries for this competition In the middle school category a a a total of 50 first prizes 70 second prizes prizes prizes 120 third prizes prizes prizes and 260 excellent prizes prizes prizes were awarded Our own Malvernians below secured 9 of these prizes Well done to:
First prize winners: Richard Tu (No (No 9) Jenny Jiao (No (No 4) Second prize winner: Sam Shan (SH)
Third prize winner: Wendy Xiang (No 3) Excellent prize winners: Alice Lin Lin (No (No 8) Lincon Chu (No (No 5) Matthias Chan (No (No 1) Oscar Miao (No (No 7) and Shuaichu Pan (No 7) The 1st Chinese Language Festival
This festival was hosted by The Education University of Hong Kong China International Education and ESF Four Malvernians participated receiving certificates for their hard work and effort in in in using the Chinese language to create present and communicate with others Non-native speaker group: Noah Sraga (No 9) and Matilda Hartig (EH)
Native speaker group: Shuaichu Pan (No 7) and Sam Shan (SH)