Page 4 - Knowles Close Proposal
P. 4

2.0 Development Overview
2.1 The Scheme
The scheme comprises 97 units, made up of 77 apartments and 20 maisonettes. The external areas include parking and landscaped areas.
2.2 Preliminary Proposals and Recommendations Site Presentation
A high standard of site presentation is imperative to establish a sense of pride in Knowles Close for all stakeholders.
Central to Mainstay’s daily operational excellence is the regular and thorough site inspection by the Property Manager, monitored against key criteria. This protocol identi es issues earlier, limits escalations and puts the on-site team in control of rectifying problems as they arise. Focus will be placed on maintaining the cleanliness of communal areas, bin stores, public areas, car parks and all landscaping.
Breaches of Lease Covenants and Antisocial Behaviour
It is a key responsibility of the managing agent to fully understand speci c covenants held in the leases and Mainstay aim to uphold, report and enforce breaches of legal agreements. When breaches occur, such as short term sub-letting, storing items in communal areas and unauthorised pets, we have a general policy procedure in place which has proven to be e ective on schemes we manage. Equally, if deemed appropriate we can produce a guide using lease extracts to assist in education on site.
Health, Safety and Compliance
Health, Safety and Compliance needs to be considered as a priority to ensure the protection of all stakeholders. It is important to be able to demonstrate that the landlord’s obligations are being met or that all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure safety on the development. This is a managing agent’s responsibility, in association with the landlords.
A full review of health, safety and compliance will be a priority.
Mainstay Management Proposal: Knowles Close, Horton Road (West Drayton) Management Company Limited 

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