Page 5 - Knowles Close Proposal
P. 5

Reserve Funds and Asset Gathering
We are of the view that reserve funds should constitute between 20-30% of overall service charge income. We appreciate that there is a balance that needs to be struck between a ordability and necessity, and our asset gathering protocols and subsequent CAPEX strategies will form the basis of our ongoing proposition. A detailed set of proposals will be put to the Management Company on appointment of our strategy here, with clear reference to ongoing service charge budget implications.
Value for Money
As a priority, we propose to review existing maintenance and utility contracts, and conduct a benchmarking process against our national contract rates for similar schemes. By agreement, we would look to tender any contract through a robust process, and we will review all contracts on an annual basis, as contracts fall due for renewal. Our approach to CAPEX and Reserve Funds are detailed in section 5.5.
Mainstay Management Proposal: Knowles Close, Horton Road (West Drayton) Management Company Limited

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