Page 18 - The Ant Story
P. 18

The Ant Story
I didn’t feel like sitting out in the sun anymore. Instead, I had the urge to walk along the recreation park pathway. I was feeling particularly refreshed and rejuvenated. There was almost a skip to my step and I felt very energized! My mind brought back the things that I had just learned during my adventure with Ant. Yes! That was why I felt so good! I had gained a valuable perspective on all of the studying that I was doing! I began to praise and thank the Lord for all of the things that He was accomplishing in my life:
“Thank You, Lord, for being so good to me! Thank You for all the things that You are teaching me! Please continue to give me the ability and determination to learn and gain an understanding concerning the things that You want to teach me. Please continue to develop in my heart the love for people that You have given to me. May I be devoted to Your Cause and Kingdom; may I love with deeds and in truth; may I always be reminded that I wear Your Name as “Christian” and that I am one with You and that I continually remain in Your love; and may I always be encouraged and strengthened by the knowledge that You live in my heart today and everyday until I will see You face to face!”
I love taking walks and praising the Lord! It’s by far my favourite pastime! I walked around the recreation park at least two or three times, enjoying the warm sunshine and all of the sights and sounds of the many activities that were going on: a football game, people playing racquetball, baseball, horseshoes, basketball, and all of the general sounds of laughter, yelling, and the like that you would normally hear in a recreation park.
As I was walking along the pathway, something

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