Page 19 - The Ant Story
P. 19

caught my eye in the grass about ten feet away. The sun was reflecting off of it and it had a golden hue to it. I walked over to take a closer look. I caught my breath and swallowed hard. There in the grass was a long, golden rope! I bent down to touch it. I could hardly believe my eyes. When I went to pick it up, I noticed that my hands and arms were trembling. Is this possible? I thought. The golden rope from... from the balloon? I quickly glanced around to see if anyone was nearby. I felt terribly self-conscious and apprehensive.
All of a sudden, without any forethought, I grabbed one end of the rope and began to swing it around, lasso style, above my head. After building up considerable momentum, I released it and it flung through the air! At the height of its flight, it disintegrated into a cloud of golden dust particles and floated away on the light wind.
While all of this was happening, everything became completely silent. I stood there in a world of absolute silence for several moments as I watched the last particles of golden dust vanish in the wind. Then, ever so slowly, as if someone was turning up the volume in tiny increments, the sounds of the park gradually returned until all was the same as it was before.
I walked back to the pathway and continued my delightful stroll. As I did, I said with a hearty laugh: “One must be careful not to allow the power of his ammalenation to make him lose his perspensive on reality!”
The Ant Story

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