Page 17 - mlcc-170613
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           Y5V             外觀無明顯破損,容值變化                                                 Force
                           No remarkable visual damage                        Pressuring Rod  →
                           Cp change within ±30%
                                                    Testing Substrate

                                                                5mm                            Capacitor

                                                    Testing Stand                          90±4mm

           8.4 焊錫性測試  (Solderability)

          電介質(Dielectrics)  判定標準(Specification)              測試條件(Testing Conditions)
           NPO             爬錫面積≧95%和孔洞<5%                焊錫溫度(Solder temperature): 250±10℃;
           X7R/X5R         (95%min. coverage of both terminal  浸泡時間(Dipping time): 2±1 seconds.
           X6S/X7T         electrodes and less than 5% have pin  焊接劑成份(Solder): Sn=99.7%,Cu=0.3%.
           X7S/Y5V         holes or rough spots)。        預熱(Preheating): 80~120℃  10~30sec
                                                         soak both terminal electrodes in solder)
                                                         (相關標準(Related STD.): JIS C 5101-1998 / JIS C
                                                         5102 clause 8.4)
              8.5 抗焊熱震  (Resistance to Soldering Heat, RSH)

             電介質            判定標準(Specification)                        測試條件(Testing Condition)
           NPO          外觀無明顯破損,容值變化在±2.5%或  ±0.25pF 之 焊錫溫度︰330±10℃
                        內,以較大者為準,Cp<30pF,                          Solder temperature: 330±10℃
                            Q≧400+20Cp; Cp≧30pF, Q≧1000,電阻測試 浸泡時間︰10±1 秒
                            標準與測試前標準相同                             Dipping time: 10±1 seconds
                        (No remarkable visual damage                   焊接劑成份︰純錫
                        Cp change within ±2.5% or ±0.25pF whichever is larger:   Solder: S n= ~100
                        Cp<30pF,                                       在室溫中 Class1  需靜置 24±2Hrs,
                        Q≧400+20Cp; Cp≧30pF, Q≧1000                    Class 2,3 需靜置 48±4Hrs,待電性回
                            IR meet initial standard value)            覆之後再在標準條件下測電性
           X7R/X5R      外觀無明顯破損,容值變化在±7.5%之內,散逸因                       Measurement to be made after being
           X6S/X7T      素和電阻測試標準與測試前標準相同(No                            kept at room temperature for 24±2
           /X7S         remarkable visual damage                       (Class1) or 48±4(Class 2,3) hours.
                        Cp change within ±7.5%                         Recovery for the following period under
                        DF (Tanδ)meet initial standard value           the standard condition after test.
                        IR meet initial standard value)            0805Y / 0805B XX6(含)規格以上,
           Y5V          外觀無明顯破損,容值變化在±20%之內,散逸因                        1206 / 0612 / 1210 / 1812 所有規格,預
                        素和電阻測試標準與測試前標準相同(No                            熱 150℃,2 分鐘後立即置入錫爐,
                        remarkable visual damage                       中間不得停頓。
                        Cp change within ±20%                          (相關標準(Related STD.): JIS C
                        DF (Tanδ)meet initial standard value           5101-10-1999 / JIS C 6429)
                        IR meet initial standard value)

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          (2016/08/10 revised)
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