Page 107 - Career Development Guidebook (09.03.24)
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To create a sustainable future for everyone.
Ranking: #5 Car Makers by Market Potential candidate’s characteristics:
Capitalization Worldwide Communication, Problem-solving,
Teamworking, Analytical (Vingroups - Xe Ô
Founded in 2017 as Vingroup’s subsidiary,
VinFast is the first Vietnamese car brand to Tô Vinfast Việt Nam, 2020).
expand into global markets as well as the first to College majors: Finance, Business Analytics,
expand into producing electric vehicles (EVs). On Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Data
August 15, VinFast's VFS stock started trading on Analytics, Computer Science, Mechanical
the U.S. Nasdaq stock exchange. As of August 16, Engineering, Electrical Engineering.
the market capitalization of VinFast reached $85
billion, according to Bloomberg. 5. PROGRAM
2. OUTSTANDING FACTS Traditional Openings: Vinfast opens positions for
departments in which there are vacancies. The
Dominates Vietnam's EV market with over process is not periodical.
50% share in 2022. For more information, visit VinFast Careers.
Top 5 best car brands in Vietnam.
VinFast VF 8 ranks first in the efficiency test
of its operating range. 6. REFERENCES
"Sustainable Business" award at the ORIGIN Linh, T. T. (2023, December 28). VinFast VF 8
Innovation Awards 2022. đứng top 1 trong thử nghiệm hiệu quả phạm vi
hoạt động, vượt xa nhiều xe điện nổi tiếng của
3. GUIDING VALUES Mercedes, BMW. Copyright (C) by Vccorp. Link
“Credibility - Integrity - Creativity - Speed - Ô tô Vinfast tuyển dụng mới nhất 2020 -
Quality - Humanity” (Vingroup) Vingroups - Xe Ô tô Vinfast Việt Nam. (2020,
March 11). Xe Ô Tô Vinfast Việt Nam. Link
“We envision a sustainable future where smart,
safe, and eco-friendly EVs are accessible to all. Story | VinFast. (n.d.). Link
With global partnerships and substantial
investments in R&D, VinFast is poised to
spearhead the EV revolution” (Story | VinFast)
Transportation & Mobility | 108