Page 18 - Career Development Guidebook (09.03.24)
P. 18
With a Mechanical Engineering major, you'll delve into the design, analysis, and optimization of mechanical systems, playing a pivotal role in
shaping the technological landscape. From creating cutting-edge machinery to developing sustainable solutions, your skills in mathematics,
physics, and design will be honed to engineer solutions that drive progress across diverse industries. You will explore a world where
imagination meets precision, and your expertise becomes the driving force behind technological advancements and transformative solutions.
AVAILABLE ROLES (WHERE) Government Agencies: Mechanical engineers
may be employed by government agencies to
Manufacturing Plants: Mechanical engineers work on infrastructure projects, defense systems,
often work in manufacturing facilities where they and environmental initiatives.
are involved in the production and quality control
of products. They oversee the assembly and Academic Institutions: Some mechanical
testing of mechanical components, troubleshoot engineers choose to work in academia,
manufacturing issues, and ensure that products conducting research, teaching students, and
meet design specifications and safety standards. mentoring the next generation of engineers.
Research and Development Labs: Mechanical
engineers employed in research and AVAILABLE ROLES (WHAT)
development (R&D) labs work on cutting-edge Aeronautical Engineer: Performing and
technologies and innovative projects. These labs supervising the design, development,
are often found in universities, government manufacture, and maintenance work of all types
agencies, and private companies. Here, engineers of flight vehicles which may include military and
conduct experiments, analyze data, and develop civilian airplanes, helicopters, missiles, launch
prototypes for new products or systems. vehicles, spacecraft, satellites, and control and
guidance systems.
Construction Sites: In construction industries,
mechanical engineers may visit construction sites Automotive Engineer: Designing, manufacturing,
to oversee the installation and commissioning of and operating ground-based vehicles, such as
mechanical systems, such as HVAC, plumbing, motorcycles, automobiles, buses, and trucks, and
and ventilation systems, in buildings and their respective engineering subsystems.
infrastructure projects.
Building Services Engineer: Designing and
Aerospace and Automotive Industries: developing the inner workings of buildings to
Mechanical engineers in the aerospace and provide a safe and functional work environment.
automotive sectors work on designing and Construction Engineer: Planning and managing
developing aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles, and the construction of structures such as highways,
other transportation systems. They work in both
bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams, and
office settings and testing facilities to ensure the reservoirs, etc.
functionality and safety of their designs.
Consultant Engineer: Undertaking independent
Oil and Gas Industry: Mechanical engineers are contract work for clients in a particular field.
involved in the oil and gas industry, working on Consulting Engineers generally work on a project-
projects related to drilling, extraction, and by-project basis for a variety of clients.
refining processes. This includes designing drilling
equipment, pipelines, and offshore platforms. Engineering Project Manager: Planning,
administering, and reviewing engineering and
technical projects.