Page 19 - Career Development Guidebook (09.03.24)
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Management Consultant: Researching the SPECIAL PROGRAMS/COMPETITIONS
procedures and systems used in an organization IEEE Contests Information
to assess how individuals and the organization as Panasonic Scholarship Program
a whole can best operate. Vietnam Robotics Challenge
Manufacturing Systems Engineer: Designing and VEX Rebotics World Championship
improving systems and equipment that complete
tasks accurately and change raw materials into INTERNSHIPS
products with minimal wastage of time, ABB: ABB offers hands-on experience in
materials, and energy.
automation and electrification, robotics, power,
Mechanical Design Engineer: Designing new and industrial automation.
machines, equipment, or systems taking into Schneider Electric: This company offers many
account cost, availability of materials, strength, programs for students and freshers: internship,
and maintenance requirements.
apprentice, management trainee, fresh graduate.
Mining Engineer: Planning and directing the
engineering aspects of extracting mineral Vinfast: Vinfast recruits many freshers for
resources from the earth, and directing the positions in Engineering.
engineering aspects of extracting mineral Weldcom: One of the largest mechanical
resources from the earth. processing equipment suppliers in Vietnam,
offers relevant opportunities for students to
USEFUL RESOURCES learn about mechanical engineering.
MatWeb: a material database that allows users
to search by trade name, manufacturer, or the CERTIFICATES
material itself. 3D-CAD Fundamental
GrabCAD: a collaborative platform for 3D CAD,
enabling engineers to share, view, and
collaborate on models and projects. a project-oriented website
created specifically for mechanical engineering.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME): SME
focuses on advancing manufacturing and
promoting workforce development in the
manufacturing industry.
eFunda: a comprehensive online resource for
engineering fundamentals.
Access Engineering Library: an online
engineering resource and digital library offering a
vast collection of reference materials, textbooks,
and interactive tools.